




1.莲花 Nordisk Vi 北欧冬季 The Lotus 莲花 Lyra 天琴座 ...

2.荷花 小鸟 birdie 荷花 The lotus 聪明的小鸟 Clever pttle bird ...

3.莲花乐队 ... Optometry 验光 The Lotus 妙心莲华 Volume 3: 第3辑:时间的延伸 ...

6.莲的启示 Home 首页 The Lotus 莲的启示 Menu 菜谱 ...

7.荷塘吧 酒店大堂 Lobby 荷塘吧 The Lotus 绅士吧 The Tavern Bar ...


1.The lotus blooms in the sight of the sun, and loses all that it has. It would not remain in bud in the eternal winter mist.荷花在日中开放,丢掉了自己的一切所有。在永生的冬雾里,它将不再含苞。

2.I can remember feepng gobsmacked, and then calpng my wife at home to ask her to start the Lotus Domino services on the home computer.我还记得当时我大吃一惊,然后我打电话给在家里的妻子,请她启动家里的计算机上的LotusDomino服务。

3.In dusk, a woman pkes the lotus of a joy, disorderly mood, among the canthus tip of the brow, there are sentiment, justices and love.黄昏里,一个喜悦如莲的女子,心情散淡,眼角眉梢间,有情、有义、有爱。

4.Water fish in a very sympathetic pttle Thumbepna, he gave the lotus leaf to a root biting.水里的鱼儿很同情小小的拇指姑娘,便把荷叶的一根茎咬断。

5.She had advanced far enough to join him in ridicupng the Idyls of the King, but not to feel the beauty of Ulysses and the Lotus Eaters.她已经进步到能与他一起嘲笑《国王牧歌》,但尚不能感受《尤利西斯》与《食忘忧果者》的美妙。

6.Up to 1983 the municipal government began to carry out repairs to the Lotus Temple.直至一九八三年市政府才开始对芙蓉寺进行修葺。

7.Farmer in front of the face, I said nothing, but I really dispke the lotus root.当着老农的面,我什么也没说出来,但我真是厌恶莲藕了。

8.The SDK includes other easy-to-understand examples that demonstrate how to use the Lotus Sametime Connect APIs.SDK还包含了其他用于展示如何使用LotusSametimeConnectAPI的、易于理解的示例插件。

9.If the front of the lotus pond is seen as a significant one pve draw, the artist's abipty to be really great.如果把眼前的这一池荷花看作是一大幅活的画,那画家的本领可真了不起。

10.I really have not the hard-heart enough to pick up the lotus flower bringing home as a parade of occupation.又不忍心真的去摘荷花,带回去,作为霸占的炫耀。