




1.他们俩 1.他们俩 they two 2.相反的观点和兴趣 opposite viewpoints and interests ...


1.With Tiberius Caesar, Sejanus had ascended to that height, as they two were termed, and reckoned, as a pair of friends.在泰比瑞亚斯一方面西亚努斯升到很高的位置,竟至他们二人被称并被认为一双朋友。

2.One would have expected that they two might have therefore been able to sink their differences.人们曾期待他们俩人能消除彼此的分歧。

3.The guard came and said, "Don't feel sad. " "But you know it's my train, " Tom said, "they two only came here to say goodbay to me. "列车员走过来说:“不要伤心了。”“可是你要知道,是我要上火车,”汤姆说,“他们俩不过是来向我告别的。”

4.Try to call Duran if you can't find May. They two are tied to one another.如果你找不到梅就试着給杜兰打电话.他们俩总是形影不离。

5.madame defarge looked at her scornfully , but still with something of miss prosss own perception that they two were at bay.德伐日太太轻蔑地望着她,她的感觉跟普洛丝小姐却也差不多她俩可算是狭路相逢了。

6.But I wanted to keep them forever. Maybe by doing this, when they two take fpght pke the eagle does, they will come back to me someday.但是我想永远拥有他们,也许切断了丝线,当他们也能像鹰一样自由翱翔之时,他们某一天也将会回到我身边。

7.Even Bao Zheng didn't understand it himself, and he was speechless after hearing the reason Bao Mian told him when they two met in prison.包拯也不明白为什么,当他们在狱中见面时,包勉告诉了他原因,听罢包大人自己也是无言以对了。

8.As they two had a lot in common in their thought and artistic creation, there is a strong trace of Du Fu in Xin Qiji's ci poems.在思想上和艺术上的诸多相通,使得辛弃疾的词中留下了浓重的老杜痕迹。

9.Was the meaning of his speech that they two were not womanizer?听他这话的意思,他俩肯定不是登徒子?

10.They two people meet through the network , and love each other. Finally they decided to meet one day.两个人通过网络认识,并互有好感,终于有一天决定要见面了。