




1.第三只眼  扁平冒(cap-fitted)和“第三只眼”(Third-Eye)等内镜新技术可提高结肠息肉的检出率。同时,随着CT技术的发展,结肠CT重 …

2.三眼轮6.三眼轮(Third-eye) / 深蓝、蓝紫色 7.顶轮(Crown) / 紫色(我需要开启这个)在噗浪上看到其他朋友的测验结果,有人的活跃 …


1.If you do not get enough universal energy it will be quite hard for your to see your third eye.如果你不向宇宙万物寻求足够能量则很难看到第三眼。

2.Touch your face with your hands to see how the Light of your Third Eye is amppfied by the touch of your hands. . .透过你们的双手去感受、用你们的双手抚摸你们的脸庞并看着你们第三眼的光芒被放大。

3.At the time Mila studied with her teacher, she was told to read from her crown chakra rather than her third eye.在Mila跟她老师学习的时候,她被告知从皇冠脉轮进行解读,而不是用第三眼。

4.Death and Venice poet no connection just a writing style, to promote the poet from the article came out, a third eye to write articles.诗人之死与威尼斯毫无关联,只是一种写作的风格,提倡诗人从文章中走出来,以第三只眼写文章。

5.After some days, or even the same day of you trying to see the third eye, you may start seeing the colours of it.在你尝试开启第三眼的几天后或更有甚者于当天,就能开始看到颜色了。

6.The more you meditate and practice, the stronger colours get and then you finally will be able to see your third eye.冥想与练习的越多,看到的颜色就越深。最终你就能看到自己的第三只眼了。

7.Next, psten to it with your focus of attention in your Third Eye (Ajna), located between your eyes at the bridge of your nose.接着,再听它并将你们的注意力焦点放在你们的第三眼(眉心轮),其位于你们鼻梁之上的双眼之间。

8.Did he not open his Third Eye and reduce the God of Love to ashes, when the latter slyly aimed his arrow at him while he was meditating ?当爱神趁湿婆神冥想之际,偷偷把箭瞄准他时,他不就立即睁开自己的第三只眼,将爱神打得灰飞烟灭吗?

9.Your third eye gives you an opportunity to experience different dimensions without having to leave your body.你的天眼让你无需脱离体外就能感受不同维的世界。

10.Listen as your High Heart tells your Third Eye "It is fine now. This ONE is ready to experience New Earth" .聆听你们的高心对你们三眼轮的诉说“它很好,这个一已经准备好体验新地球了”。