




1.这首歌给你 I will come back early. 我会早回来。 This song for you. 这首歌给你。 ...

2.我在为你而歌唱 ... Yeah I was singing 是的 This song For you 我在为你而歌唱 wrote this song 我写的这首歌 ...

3.这一曲送给你 ... 209.Send you this song 这一曲送给您 210.This song for you 这一曲送给你 211.This one day 这一个日子 ...


1.Cause we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you.因为,现在只剩下你和我,现在亲爱的让我为你唱这首歌。

2.Well, I'm going to sing this song for you.好了,接下来我就给大家演唱一次。

3.this song for you.这是为你写的歌。

4.But I went and wrote this song for you.但是,我为你写这首歌。

5.And when my pfe is over remember when we were together, We were alone and I was singing this song for you当我的生命结束时请记住,请记住那些我们在一起的日子,只有你和我,爱人我为你唱着那首歌

6.But we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you但是现在就我们两个人,我想特别唱这首歌给你一个人听

7.I feel your pain, I wrote this song for you, for you我感觉得到你的痛苦我为你写了这首歌

8.We were alone and I was singing this song for you我们在一起,我为你歌唱

9.I'll fight their doubts and give you faith with this song for you我会和他们的疑虑抗争到底,我会给你诺言,还有这首你正在听的歌

10.And I sing this song for you为你吟唱这首歌