




1.这边 约翰 快 Come on,John... 这边 This way. 抱歉 Sorry... ...

2.这边请 so do i 我也一样 this way 这边请 after you 您先 ...

3.这边走 have a seat 坐下,就坐 this way 这边走 a map of China 一幅中国地图 ...

4.这样 [pke that] 那样的 [this way] 这样 ...

5.这边儿 手提箱 suitcase 176. 这边儿 this way 177. 各种各样 kinds of 178. ...

6.这种方法,这条路 ... 827. this year 今年,本年度 828. this way 这种方法,这条路;请走这边 829. through about 乱丢,抛散 ...

7.这种方式 Any time: 任何时候 This way: 这种方式 Protection from black: 反黑保防 ...

8.方向 我们 WE,ALL OF US 方向 THIS WAY 过来 COME HERE ...


1.The beast is different. In this way, it seems to be a management of the extraordinary spirit of the universe.的兽都不同。这样,看起来似乎有一种管理宇宙的非凡的气概。

2.Negative: Now the land is become less, if all the pet in Beijing will be buried in this way, how much land would be cost each year?反方:土地那么紧张,如果北京市的宠物都这样安葬,每年要占用多少土地?

3.In this way, you can use these templates as a starting point for your own reports or to see examples of what is possible with reports.通过这种方式,您可以将这些模板作为报表的起始点使用,或者查看报表中的范例。

4.The last thing they were going to look kindly on, if they chose to see it this way, was a bigamist with a mixed-race baby.如果像双方的家庭成员所说的那样,他们做的最后一件事将会是宽容的对待一个育有混种族婴儿的重婚者。

5.In this way, we are not trying to force the young animal to resemble and perform pke an adult horse.通过这种方式,我们不是试图强迫小马驹模仿和做成年马的行为。

6.Ok, if you do not get used to the name as God. Or you think it is too apen for you. Let me put this way. God is love.成,如果你不习惯神这个名称。或者你觉得这个名称对你来说太像个外来词。那让我这么来告诉你,神就是爱。

7.I work so hard . What I am doing is because of you and our future . Although you do not know, I still miss you in this way .我努力工作,所有我做的都是为了你和我们的未来,尽管你不知道,但是我还是很想念你。

8.When a region has such a diversity of problems, it is good to tidy-up in this way, get some problems behind you for good.当一个区域有如此繁多的问题时,最好能以这种方式来处理,将某些问题永远甩掉。

9.The scientific reason is that they are able to turn into any of the body's myriad cell types, which is why they might be used in this way.科学的原因是它们能分化为人体无数细胞类型的任何一种,这就是它们将能被使用到的方式。

10.They went this way and that way, finally coming to a kingdom where an old king ruled. He had only one daughter, but she was very beautiful.他们四处漂泊,最后来到了一个王国,统治这个国家的是位年迈的国王,不过他有一位美丽绝伦的独身女。