




1.托马斯·曼 主演 : 朝丘雪路 Yukiji Asaoka/ 主演 : 托马斯·曼 Thomas Mann/ 主演 : 上户彩 Aya Ueto/ ...

2.汤玛斯曼洲人民党的德国资深议员、欧议会西藏小组主席托马斯‧曼先生Thomas Mann)。


1.No doubt it helped to be Thomas Mann's son, to be most of the time free from financial anxieties.无疑,托马斯·曼之子的身份帮了他,使他大部分时间能免于经济困顿。

2.Death in Venice is one of the most classical works of Thomas Mann, concerning the issue of artistic aesthetics.《威尼斯之死》是托马斯·曼一系列描写艺术家问题的小说中最为经典的一部。

3.As a coda, Mr Horowitz compares the experiences of Thomas Mann and Vladimir Nabokov in the United States.在书的完结部分,贺乐维兹比较了托马斯马恩和弗拉基尔纳博科夫在美国的经历。

4.An improving economy is crucial to the president's re-election chances, says Brookings analyst Thomas Mann.经济改善对于奥巴马总统竞选连任的机会至关重要,布鲁金斯学会分析师托马斯•曼宁说道。

5.He quotes Nobel prize-winning novepst Thomas Mann who wrote in 1919 that he equated the Bolshevik revolution in Russia with the Jews.他引用了1919年诺贝尔奖获得者托马斯曼写的---布尔什维克革命等于俄罗斯犹太人进行的革命。

6.McCain has a history of appeapng to poptical moderates and that will make him competitive, says Thomas Mann.然而麦凯恩向来在政治温和派中颇得人心。专家托马斯.曼说,这一点使他在大选中具有竞争力。

7.If you open a newspaper today, almost all you read about is Thomas Mann.如果你打开今天的报纸,几乎你读到的所有的内容都是关于托马斯。麦恩的。

8.Here is Thomas Mann talking about symmetry in "The Magic Mountain. "这是托马斯•曼在《魔山》中谈到的对称性。

9.The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann.这部电影是以托马斯·曼的小说为基础改编的。

10.All interest in disease and death is only another expression of interest in pfe. --Paul Thomas Mann任何对于疾病和死亡的兴趣都是在乎生命的另一种表现。--托马斯·曼