


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.桑顿 Doug Brochu 道格布罗拉斯 (饰格莱迪) Thornton 蒂芬尼桑顿 , Brochu 道格布罗拉斯 , ...

6.桑顿镇 ... Bailey 贝利号 Thornton 桑顿号 Morris 莫里斯号 ...


1.Thornton started to speak, then stopped, and began to walk up and down.桑顿想说什么,又忍住了,然后他开始走来走去。

2.Thornton has struggled with inconsistency and inefficiency in his two professional seasons and Mike Dunleavy might have finally had enough.索顿在两个赛季里正挣扎于自己的不稳定性和低效性,而且邓利维可能已经受够了。

3.Thornton shook his head and sat down on the snow next to Buck.桑顿摇了摇头,然后就坐在巴克旁边的雪地上。

4.Mr. Thornton: I shall treasure it, as well as your father's memory. He was a good friend to me. So you are going. And never come back?桑顿先生:我会好好珍惜它的。我也会怀念你父亲的。他是我的良师益友。那你确实要离开,不再回来了吗?。

5.One man went up to Thornton. 'I'll buy him now, 'he said. 'I'11 give you eight hundred dollars for him. '一个人走上前对桑顿说:“我买他,我给你800美元。”

6.John Thornton had been ill in December, and his two friends had had to leave him at White River and go on to Dawson.约翰·桑顿在12月份时生了病,他的两个朋友不得不把他独自留在白河然后奔赴道桑。

7.Thornton was in the boat, while Hans and Pete moved along the river bank, holding the boat with a rope.桑顿在船上,而汉斯和皮特则沿着河岸走,用一根绳索拉住小船。

8.Hal took out his long knife, but Thornton knocked it out of his hand.哈尔抽出了他的长刀,但是桑顿把它打落了。

9."Never was there such a dog, " said John Thornton one day, as the partners watched Buck marching out of camp.“从来没有过这样的狗,”一天,他们看见巴克大步走出营地,约翰·桑德说。

10.'He's the finest dog that I've ever seen, 'said Thornton to his friends one day as they watched Buck walking out of camp.“他是我见过的最出色的狗,”桑顿有一天对他的朋友们说,他们正看着巴克跑出营地。