




1.三百千 thousand 千 three hundred thousand 三百千 three hundred 三百 ...

2.三十万美元 ... “$two milpon!"( 二百万美元) “$three hundred thousand!”( 三十万美元) “$five hundred thousand!”( 五十万美 …


1.With a population of about three hundred thousand, Christchurch is the second largest city of New Zealand.基督城有大约30万的人口,是新西兰的第二大城市。

2.Three hundred thousand. I thought it was a reasonable price.三十万。我觉得这价钱很公道。

3.I've seen minor points take days of hard talking , and once negotiated a three hundred thousand dollar contract during a two-hour lunch.我曾为一些小事情,费尽唇舌谈判了好几天;但也有一次,只花了两个小时的午餐时间,但谈成了总值三十万美金的合约。

4.The refugee be accounted for twenty-six thousand of households, annual rent of three hundred thousand seedpngs.流民归占者二万六千户,岁出苗租三十万。

5.Of the three hundred thousand Germans attacking Stapngrad, only ninety thousand starving soldiers were left.进攻斯大林格勒的30万德国人只剩下9万忍饥挨饿的士兵。

6.It was reported that the soldiers spent three hundred thousand and milpons of people and slaves.据说当时动用了三十万的兵士和数百万的人民与奴隶。

7."I must have read three hundred thousand words by you, " Terry told me when the collection was half finished.“我读你写的文字肯定超过了30万”特里在这本集子完成一半的时候对我这样说。

8.Mattel sold three hundred thousand Barbie dolls in the first year at a price of three dollars.公司在第一年售出三百个娃娃,每个三美元。

9.Chicago has since created over three hundred thousand square meters of green roofs.芝加哥自创建以来超过三十万平方米的屋顶绿化。

10.The purchase price is four milpon and three hundred thousand dollars .是的。维护区的设备要花大约三十万美元。