




1.三视图三个投影面进行投影所得到的 视图称为三面视图,简称三视图(Three-views),图示此时, 在正铅垂投影面上投影所得到的视 …


1.Next, if you could fold the top and right-side views forward, you would have an orthographic projection showing three views of the object.接下来,若是你将顶视图和右侧视图向前翻折的话,你就会获得一个能够显示该物体三视图的正交正投影。

2.Alternatively, you can apply custom templates to the three views if you need complete control over the appearance of the control.或者,如果需要完全控制控件的外观,可以对三个视图应用自定义模板。

3.Three views of the aim of penalty are popular in criminology: retribution theory, general prevention theory and special prevention theory.本文全面论述了刑罚的目的,对当今传统的刑罚目的即一般预防和特殊预防提出了商榷意见。

4.Teams and individuals then monitor three views: my blocked tasks, my tasks blocking others, and my tasks recently unblocked.然后团队和个人会监视三个方面:被阻碍的任务,阻碍别人的任务,以及最近尚未阻碍的任务。

5.You can choose from three views: details, a distribution graph, and a Kiviat diagram.你可以从这三个视图中挑选:详细资料,一个分布曲线,以及一个Kiviat图。

6.The book provides three views of pfe under an increasingly oppressive and unpredictable regime.这本书从三个角度描写了在一个越发压迫和难以预测的政权统治下的生活。

7.This paper proposed an effective method of merging three views 2. 5D scans into a whole 3D face model.提出了一种有效的从三视角2.5维人脸图像到完整三维人脸模型的融合方法。

8.Then if you did the same for the top and right-side views, you would have sketches of all three views.如果你依次对盒子的顶部和右侧视图如此这般,你就有了三视图的草图。

9.There are three views that are an essential part of the RAM Rich Cpent.RAM富客户端的核心部分有三个视图。

10.Sociapsm View Of Honor and Disgrace And College Students Education "Three Views"社会主义荣辱观和大学生“三观”教育