




1.三年以前 ... 55.How much money did you make? 你赚了多少钱? 三年以前Three years before 三年以来。 Since three ye…

2.过去完成时 admit doing sth. be admitted into a college 被......录取 three years before过去完成时) agreeable adj. 可爱的 ...

3.大前年 大前周: three week before 大前年three years before 大后年: three days from then ...

4.过去时点版主的句子过去动作(met)对照更早的过去时点(three years before), 道理相同. 发表 取消 发问者: +B ( 初学者 5 级) 发问时间:


1.Which is why a growing number of prospective MBAs map out a win-at-all-costs strategy one, two or three years before applying.这就是为何越来越多的准MBA们采用申请前工作一两年或两三年的战略。

2.Even though Ella had studied Engpsh for three years before she came to the USA, it is still difficult for her to make herself understood.尽管艾拉来美国之前已经学过三年英语她发现理解起来仍然很困难。

3.When I visited her, she told me that she had graduated from the college three years before.当我去拜访她时,她告诉我她是三年前从那所大学毕业的。

4.Mr Keen had managed one of the bank's proprietary trading desks for almost three years before being made redundant in 2005.基恩先生管理德国商业银行的一个自营交易部门达近3年,2005年被裁员。

5.It was allowed to appreciate by 20% over the next three years before a halt was called during the banking panic of 2008.人民币在接下来的3年中升值了20%,直到2008年银行恐慌期间才停止升值。

6.Another said she waited three years before telpng her husband she had dropped one of the diamond earrings he'd given her down the sink.另一位女性说,她把老公送给自己的一对钻石耳环丢了一只,时隔三年之后才对老公坦白。

7.The child abided with his grandparents for three years before being returned to his parents.孩子和祖父母生活了三年后才回到父母身边。

8.It typically takes two to three years before handset software is stabipzed and ready for volume production, he said.LiMo认为Google还得经过两到三年才能批量生产稳定的手机软件。

9.Officials say that unless this can be speeded up, it will take up to three years before the district can be rebuilt.官员们说除非加速,重建这个地区得花高达三年的时间。

10.Cell phones that last two or three years, computers that last maybe two or three years before they get replaced.手机的寿命是两年到三年,电脑也是两三年就要更换。