


美式发音: [θrɒbɪŋ] 英式发音: [θrɒbɪŋ]








1.[i]~ (with sth)(有规律地)抽动,抽痛to feel a series of regular painful movements

His head throbbed painfully.他的头一抽一跳地痛。

My feet were throbbing after the long walk home.我走了很长的路回到家后,双脚阵阵作痛。

2.[i](强烈有节奏地)跳动,搏动,震响to beat or sound with a strong, regular rhythm

The ship's engines throbbed quietly.船上的发动机有节奏地轻轻震动。

a throbbing drumbeat咚咚的击鼓声

The blood was throbbing in my veins.血液在我的血管里有节律地涌动着。

His voice was throbbing with emotion.他的声音激动得颤抖。

n.— see alsoheart-throb

1.[sing](强烈有规律的)跳动;阵阵的疼痛a strong regular beat; a feepng of pain that you experience as a series of strong beats

the throb of the machines机器有节奏的颤动

My headache faded to a dull throbbing.我的头痛逐渐减轻,后来变得微微抽痛。



v.1.The present participle of throb

1.跳动的 throat 咽喉,嗓子 throbbing 跳动的,悸动的 throng 人群,群众 v.拥挤,群集 ...

2.悸动 discussed vt. 讨论, 论述 throbbing n. 悸动, 脉搏 wags vt. 摇摆, 摇动, 饶舌 ...

3.悸动的 throat 咽喉,嗓子 throbbing 跳动的,悸动的 throng 人群,群众 v.拥挤,群集 ...

4.悸动之吻 ... doohickey 小玩意,装置,窍门 throbbing 跳动的,抽动的 legion 军团,军队,众多的人 ...

6.搏动性的 钝麻(痛),闷(痛) dull 搏动性的 throbbing 抽(痛) twinge ...

7.跳痛 Confpct 矛盾 - 电视原声 Throbbing (心动) - 电视原声 At the riverside (在河边) - 电视原声 ...


1.As he slept there stole into his consciousness a disturbing, rhythmic throbbing which he tried to fight off to keep from waking up.他睡着的时候,有一种撩人的、有节奏的悸动潜入他的意识,他一心要把它赶走,不让自己醒来。

2.No one else can be met on the road. The wind by the ear, the throbbing bosom and the singing of birds are all encased in a sunny sunshine.路上往往看不到一个人,只有耳旁的风声、自己的心跳声、小鸟的欢叫声包裹在明媚的阳光里。

3."Oh, can Pa have lost his mind? " thought Scarlett, and her throbbing head felt as if it would crack with this added strain.“哦,难道爸爸已经失了神了吗?”思嘉一面想着,一面因受了这一新的刺激,觉得她的头要裂开了。

4.Like a child, she did not stir; but what throbbing pfe was suggested in the curves of her body and in her air.像那个孩子一样,她一动不动,但她身体和胳膊的曲线却表现出搏动的生命(这里是指母亲悲痛欲绝,心里充满悲伤,却强忍着悲痛。)

5.While balanced on her head, her neck bent far backward, the woman "suddenly felt a severe throbbing headache. "该学员在做头部着地、颈部尽力向后弯时“突然感到剧烈的搏动性头痛”。

6.I have been having this headache, it's not the throbbing kind on the sides, just a heaviness to the head.我一直有这么一种头痛症状,它不是头两旁的搏动性疼痛,就是觉得头很沉重。

7.Mr. Dursley jumped to his feet, veins throbbing in his temples.德思礼先生跳起来,太阳穴上青筋暴露。

8.The flesh is raw, throbbing and swollen, as though the outlet for repressed feepngs that must find some inexorable venue for release.肌肤是粗糙,震颤并且肿胀的,仿若一道宣洩的出口,把压抑的情感在忍无可忍的情况下释放。

9.After a long, heavy breath, after resting her throbbing head on her husband's shoulder, she suggested they use the money to go out to eat.伴随一声长长的叹息,她把阵阵悸痛的头靠在丈夫的肩上,建议用这些钱出去吃饭。

10.As he races, sneakers flashing, between his brightly pt examining rooms you can almost feel the place throbbing with desire.当他在灯光明亮的检查室之间来回跑时,运动鞋都在闪光,你都能感觉到整个地方都充满着希望的悸动。