




1.丢垃圾. ... 倒垃圾 Throw trash 丢垃圾 Throw trash 丢掉 Throw ...

2.倒垃圾. ... 换垃圾袋 Change the trash bag 倒垃圾 Throw trash 丢垃圾 Throw trash ...


1.Let the motive of throw trash to be just pke the experience of play basketball game when people see this special trash can.让这些人看到这个经过特殊设计的垃圾桶后,让他们丢垃圾的动机变成像玩篮球时的体验。

2.We do not throw trash conveniently, afforests Beijing, afforests China, becomes a Green Olympics truly.我们不要随手乱扔垃圾,绿化北京,绿化中国,真正成为一个绿色奥运。

3.Good neighbors will not throw trash on the ground, and if they see trash on the ground they will pick it up.好邻居不会随地乱丢垃圾,如果看到垃圾,他们会把垃圾捡起来。

4.It use the experience of playing basketball and put together into the action of throw trash to garbage can.此项产品的概念是将玩篮球与将垃圾丢进垃圾桶的经验做结合。

5.Please do not have to throw trash toward the window outside, that can affect the community health.请不要往窗外乱扔垃圾,那会影响社区卫生。

6.I hoped that the people can protect the environment, cannot throw trash, builds a good environment to greet the congress.我希望人们能保护环境,不能扔垃圾,营造一个好的环境来迎接大会。

7.It is a fact that here I could not find one garbage can to throw trash in.确实,我在这里连一个倒垃圾的垃圾桶都找不到。

8.First, cannot throw trash, and lets the parents and the neighbor also such does.首先,不能乱扔垃圾,并让父母和邻居也这么做。

9.Fourth, must not go to the pubpc place as far as possible, do not have randomly to throw trash.第四,要尽量不去公共场所,不要乱丢垃圾。

10.in Nepal, fire is very sacred, so don't throw trash into the fire.在尼泊尔,火是非常神圣的,所以不要将垃圾丢进火中。