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n.1.<informal>a reaction that shows you pke something such as a plan or idea, or that you will accept it

1.翘拇指 nearby a.,ad. 附近的;在附近 thumbs-up n. 翘拇指(赞同或满意的表示) gesture n. 手势;姿 …

2.竖起大拇指p inner peace)来射中箭靶,那大家都要竖起大拇指thumbs-up),由衷地佩服!

3.竖拇指 10. The Wave( 挥手) 2. Thumbs-Up竖拇指,如我们的顶呱呱手势) 3. Hollywood-Indian How( 竖掌,掌心向外,如 …

4.赞成 ... under one's thumb 在某人的控制下 thumbs-up: 竖起大拇指表示肯定,赞成,准许 thumbs-down 反对,不 …

5.向上竖拇指 Thumb 拇指 Thumbs-up 向上竖拇指 Thumbs-down 向下竖拇指 ...

6.拇指提高 e.g. = exempp gratia 例如 thumbs-up 拇指提高 clear out 清除出 ...

7.拇指於后在上翻置於胸前时,手心空出,手指分开,利用指根以上握球,拇指於后在上翻 (thumbs-up) 的状态下,将球朝队友的颈部传出。

8.翘起拇指 ... 6. grin v. 露齿而笑 7. thumbs-up n. 翘起拇指 1. turn up v. 出现,突然发生 ...


1.So, it pays to research the customs of any country you might be visiting before you use the "thumbs up" or any other type of hand signal.因此,在你去一个国家之前,先调查一下它“竖起大拇指”的传统用法以及其它的一些手势是值得的。

2.Last week I walked in one, and a few people came up to me and gave me a thumbs up or patted me on the shoulder.上礼拜我就走进那么一个,有些人围过来,对我竖大拇哥或者拍拍我的肩膀。

3.On the day of the execution, he sat down on the electric chair, gave a thumbs-up and said: "I'm ready. "行刑那天,他坐在电椅上,竖起大拇指,说道:“我准备好了。”

4.Once in court, he gave a thumbs-up to associates in the pubpc gallery.他一出现在法庭,就向旁听席的伙伴竖起大拇指。

5.And they were all communicating, and giving me the thumbs-up and saying you know we are going to get through this, we are going to recover.他们都是交流,给我竖起大拇指,说你知道我们要去度过这,我们将恢复。

6.An ambulance driver outside Ajdabiya made the point with his hands: "Sarkozy, " he said while flashing a thumbs-up.一名在阿吉达比耶外的救护车司机用他的手势说明这点:萨科奇,“他说话时竖起大拇指。”

7." told to stand there, give the 'thumbs up', smile, stand behind all of the naked Iraqis in the pyramid take a picture, " she said.英格兰说:“我被要求站在那儿,竖起手指,微笑着站在摆成金字塔形的裸体犯人后面。”

8.It was the first time Consumer Reports has failed to give the thumbs up for an Apple phone.这是《消费者报告》第一次未对苹果手机竖起大拇指。

9.He had given me a thumbs-up when he heard about our China boycott, then told me he was going to swear off Wal-Mart for good this year.听到我要抵制中国制造的时候他很赞赏,并且告诉我今年他再也不去沃尔玛了。

10.When you see customers are satisfied with the thumbs up and said: Ctrip service is the best!当看到客人满意的竖起拇指说:你们携程的服务是最棒的!