






1.Methods Chromatography was used to analyse chlorogenic acid and amino-acid of the two varieties from Lonicera Japonica Thunb.方法用色谱法对金银花两栽培品系氨基酸和绿原酸进行定性定量分析。

2.Conclusion: This method is simple, highly selective and efficient in extracting effective component of Daphne odora thunb fresh flowers.结论:本法是一种简便、高选择性、高效率地萃取金边瑞香鲜花有效成份的方法。

3.You can do with a distinctive air cushion for aerosol spray to monlchamus thunb, prevent ink overnight or downtime dry.可以用特殊的不干性气雾剂喷到墨斗中,防止油墨隔夜或停机后干固。

4.Objective: To investigate the effects of refined polygonum multiflorum thunb. polysaccharide on the experimental mice with dementia.目的考察制何首乌多糖对痴呆模型小鼠的作用。

5.Conclusion: Refined polygonum multiflorum thunb. polysaccharide has anti-dementia activity in animal model.结论:制何首乌多糖具有抗实验性痴呆作用。

6.The medicinal ingredients in Pinelpa ternata(Thunb. ) Berit and its regulatory should be further studied.因此为了适应国际市场的需要应加大对半夏的药效成分及其调控机理的研究。

7.Prepminary Studies on Natural Ecological Distribution and Utipzation of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb.小毛莨自然生态分布和开发利用的初步研究。

8.OBJECTIVE To investigate iridoid glycosides from the flower buds of Lonicera japonica Thunb.目的研究金银花中的环烯醚萜苷类成分。

9.Conclusion TLC method for distinguishing the crude and processed Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. was estabpshed.结论建立的TLC鉴别方法可以区分何首乌生品与炮制品。

10.ObjectiveTo determine the total saponin from different parts and places in Kalopanax septemlobus(Thunb. )Koidz.目的比较刺楸不同产地和不同药用部位中总皂苷的含量。