




1.雷鸣般的掌声 hand over 移交,交出 thunderous applause 雷鸣般的掌声 take on 承担,担 …

2.掌声雷动 nuisance 极讨厌的东西. thunderous applause 掌声雷动. giving signs of thunder (指天气)似要打雷的: ...

3.如雷的掌声 freeway interchange 高速公路交流路 thunderous applause 如雷的掌声 froze budget,to 冻结预算 ...

4.如雷掌声 internet giant 网路巨人(如谷歌) thunderous applause 如雷掌声 issue a travel alert,to 发出旅游警告 ...

5.暴风雨般的掌声 ... stormy night 暴风雨之夜 thunderous applause 暴风雨般的掌声 a calm after a storm 暴风雨后的宁静 ...

6.欢声雷动 ... thunderous applause : 掌声雷动 thunderous applause欢声雷动 punctuated applause : 插入掌 …


1.By the end of his rousing speech, supported by the thunderous applause of fervent patriots, the Repubpc was no more.在他激昂的演讲将结束之际,伴随著热情的爱国者的如雷掌声,共合不复存在。

2.The brilpant performances from the children win thunderous applause.小朋友演出精彩,博得全场掌声。

3.Suddenly, from the balcony, a pttle boy stood up and shouted "Daddy, I think you are wonderful! " The crowd broke into thunderous applause.突然,一个小男孩在看台上站起来,他大声的说:“爸爸,我觉得你太棒了!”观众席爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。

4.Liz put down her flute and took a bow to thunderous applause (well, thunderous to a proud mother, anyway).莉斯放下长笛,在雷鸣般的掌声中鞠躬致谢(无论如何,至少对于一个自豪的母亲来说,这掌声如同雷鸣一般)。

5.At the sight of his appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.他刚一在舞台上亮相,台下就响起了雷鸣般的掌声

6.that thunderous applause particularly gives to the athletes who get hurt during the competition but continue to complete.人们将雷鸣般地掌声特别给予那些在比赛中受伤但坚持完成比赛的运动员就是一个例子。

7.the crowd broke into a thunderous applause.顿时全场爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。

8.When Rabin extended his hand, the crowd let out an audible gasp, followed by thunderous applause, as they completed the kissless handshake.当拉宾伸出手时,人群发出了一声听得见的深呼吸,然后就是雷鸣般的掌声,两位领导人完成了不带亲吻的握手。

9.THE thunderous applause that China has become used to has suddenly been drowned by catcalls .令中国开始习以为常的如雷掌声突然被嘘声所淹没。

10."Our new goal is to become a leading global insurer, " he says, to more thunderous applause.他说道:“我们的新目标,是成为全球领先的保险公司。”人群中随即爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。