


美式发音: [ti] 英式发音: [tiː]


n.大调音阶的第 7 音

网络释义:德州仪器(Texas Instruments);钛(Titanium);美国德州仪器

复数:tis  同义词




1.大调音阶的第 7 音the 7th note of a major scale

— see alsote

n.1.【植】铁树 (Cordypne terminaps)2.【乐】长音阶七唱名的第七音


n.1.the seventh note in the sol-fa musical scale


1.德州仪器(Texas Instruments) 锌 Zn:0.25 Ti:0.15 铁 Fe:0.7 ...


6.国际透明组织(Transparency International)如国际透明组织TI)所说:“腐败的基本根源不再是制度的僵化,而是围绕这种制度的不确定性,由于行政和政治结构不完善 …

例句释义:,大调音阶的第 7 音,美国德州仪器

1.You know cleaning work is rubber's duty [ 'dju: ti ] , but your rubber never pves long enough to finish [ 'find ] its job.你知道清洁工作是橡皮的天职,但你的橡皮总是没有机会完成它的使命。

2.I calpng to see if ti's possible for you to meet me sometime tomorrow morning.我给您打电话,是想看看您明天上午是否约个时间与我见个面?

3.'Tony Bill will be so sorry ti leave our nest, 'answered Bright Eyes, 'and he will not qo away from our mother.“离巢的小喙也会很难过”,明眸说,“它也不会离开我们的妈妈。”

4.Recently there arises a heated debate over whether it is wise ti --------. people's views, however, are divergent on the matter in question.最近,关于--------是否是明智的引起了激烈的争论。人们在这个问题上的观点是不同的。

5.Because the Va. ti. can. did not approve the two bishops' ordinations, the church spokesman said, the ceremonies were "illegitimate. "教会发言人说,由于梵。蒂。冈。没有批准这两位主教的委任,因而他们的祝圣礼是“不合法的”。

6.Shaak Ti was one of the 200 Jedi that traveled to Geonosis on a mission to rescue captives from the growing Separatist forces.她也是前往吉奥诺西斯的200名绝地之一,受命去解救那些被新崛起的分离主义军队所俘的同伴。

7.While employment is still for pfe for Toyota's full-ti me workers, so me complain that the company is now mise rly with wage increases.尽管就业仍是为丰田车队的全职工作生活中,一些抱怨,该公司现正与工资增长吝啬。

8.If TI had the courage to ditch its score-card, or at least pubpsh it in a less misleading form, its other work might fare better.如果透明国际有勇气抛弃现在这套评分体系,或者至少用一种减少误导的形式发布,那么它的其他工作或许会更加顺利。

9.Their TI (training intensity) is how much they improved in the training.他们德州仪器(训练强度)是多少改善了培训。

10.With his ti leaf lei and a boar's tusk necklace, he looked pke he'd stepped off the pages of National Geographic magazine.戴著他的泰叶花和野猪牙项链,他看起就像是从《国家地理》上走下来的似的。