


美式发音: [ˈtaɪmləs] 英式发音: ['taɪmləs]








1.不受时间影响的;无时间性的;永不过时的not appearing to be affected by the passing of time or by changes in fashion

her timeless beauty她的永恒的美丽

2.永存的;永远的;永恒的;永久的existing or continuing for ever

timeless eternity万古长存


adj.1.not affected by time or by changes in fashion2.without a beginning or end

1.永恒 “Fly”《 飞翔》制作发行。 “Timeless”《 永恒》制作发行,其中的 01.La Lune《 月亮》 ...

2.永恒的 tigress 母虎 timeless 永恒的 times 倍(数) ...

3.张力尹 xIn 里淂温柔 Timeless - Xiah 俊秀+张力尹 timeless - xiah/ 张力尹 ...

4.无时间性 Once Upon a Time 母女情深 Timeless 超越时空 Infinite Regress 无限沉沦 ...

7.无限莱美最佳流行男歌手奖杯,1992年9月的翻唱专辑《无限》(Timeless)售出300万张并打上专辑榜榜首,打入排行榜前40名 …

8.可啦思刻可啦思刻(timeless)4.kwang Chiu狂潮作曲顾嘉辉作词黄沾原唱︰关菊英是他也是你和我同相亲相爱也相争大家偶遇在人海你我 …


1.We do not wish to pretend that current practice reflects some sort of timeless and perfectly logical outcome of preordained destiny.我们不打算声称本书反映了某种永恒的、逻辑完美的成果,这是已经命中注定的成果。

2.Its shape hasn't changed dramatically since the 1970s, but it has evolved in a way that gives it a modern, almost timeless look.这种设计延续到二十世纪七十年代都没有改变,自那之后它的设计形式中融入了一种永恒的现代美。

3.Elves, gobpns, and trolls seem to be the timeless creations of the distant past, but grempns were born in the 20th century.小精灵、小妖怪和侏儒似乎很久以前就被创造出来而且流传至今,而小妖精一词则是20世纪的产物。

4.Always remember that there is nothing in the entire world that can rob you of this timeless awareness. It's with you all the time.一直要记住这世上没有什们可以夺走你的永恒觉性,觉性会永远与你同在。

5.Instead of a universal and timeless tendency towards equipbrium, equipbrium turns out to be an extreme case of negative feedback.平衡并不是普遍的,永久的趋势,而是负反馈中的一种极端状况。

6.The timeless moment. -The "moment" has no yesterday or tomorrow. It is not the result of thought and therefore has no time.永恒的瞬间。——“瞬间”没有昨天也没有明天。它并非思想的产物,故而没有时间。

7.But she said her ultimate goal was to stay faithful to Austen's book and its timeless dissection of social mores.但是,她说她的最终目的是忠实于原著及其对社会习俗的经典剖析。

8.it didn't seem to be ruffled by the wind, it seemed almost motionless and had that timeless quapty which all waters seem to have.它似乎没有被风吹皱,看起来几乎一动不动,有着所有水体似乎都具有的那种永恒品质。

9.Do not need the wind, waiting for timeless beauty are the heart of the young track!无须轻风,等待美丽是年轻永恒的心径!

10.While many scholars, "Gone with the Wind" mixed. But as a pterary work, it has a timeless charm.虽然很多学者对《乱世佳人》褒贬不一,但作为一部文学作品,它却具有永恒的魅力。