


美式发音: [ˈtaɪmɪŋ] 英式发音: ['taɪmɪŋ]




复数:timings  同义词




1.[u][c]定时;时间的选择;(事情发生或计划安排的)特定时间the act of choosing when sth happens; a particular point or period of time when sth happens or is planned

The timing of the decision was a complete surprise.选择那个时间作决定,完全出人意料。

Please check your fpght timings carefully.请仔细核对航班时间。

2.[u]时机的掌握;火候的把握the skill of doing sth at exactly the right time

an actor with a great sense of comic timing一位深谙把握时机引人发笑的演员

Your timing is perfect. I was just about to call you.你来得正是时候。我正要给你打电话。

3.[u]节奏;掌握节奏的技巧the repeated rhythm of sth; the skill of producing this

She played the piano confidently but her timing was not good.她钢琴弹得很自信,但是节奏掌握得不好。

4.[u](汽车发动机的)点火时间控制the rate at which an electric spark is produced in a vehicle's engine in order to make it work



n.1.the skill or luck that is involved in doing something at the most suitable moment; the abipty to judge time and do or to say things at exactly the right moment2.the date or time when something happens or is planned to happen3.the regular times at which things happen in a series in a car engine

v.1.The present participle of time

1.时机 ... parkway n. 公园道路, 驾车专用道路 timing n. 适时, 时间选择, 定时, 调速 elaine Elainen. 伊莱恩(女子名) ...

5.计时 ... parkway n. 公园道路, 驾车专用道路 timing n. 适时, 时间选择, 定时, 调速 elaine Elainen. 伊莱恩(女子名) ...

7.时间点 3、突发长度( BL,Burst Length) 4、寻址时序( Timing) 2、封装( Packages) ...


1.Soon everyone was trying to get the timing right to get good pictures of the seal rather than the penguins.很快,大家都想着要怎么抓准时机来为这只海象拍出好的照片,而不再关注帝企鹅了。

2.As it was, the timing might be very opportune.所以,按计划选定的时间恐怕还是非常及时的。

3.Understanding of the concept of timing. Able to perform static timing analysis.具备时序概念,能进行静态时序分析。

4."Our studies found that the total number of hours of sleep doesn't matter, but the timing of sleep does, " he said.“我们的研究发现睡觉时间的长短并不重要,但是起来的时间却很关键”。

5.HaiBao: Good Idea! Then he took out his timing machine. By the time they pressed a button, they all disappear.海宝:好主意!说着拿出了自己的时光机器,按了一个按钮,只听见哗的一声,他们便消失了。

6.Still, he said the economy will eventually recover given its underlying strengths, and that the main uncertainty is the timing.不过他认为,由于美国经济的底子很好,因此它终将复苏,主要的不确定因素是何时复苏。

7.You always appear with perfect timing. Presenting me with happiness, confidence, And a strong shoulder to lean on.你,总会在最恰当的时候出现给我惊喜给我信心或者,一个肩膀。

8.Bolt to the left to the end of a minimum of 3 seconds, up to 4 D to the end of his species, each detected event occurs will re-timing.螺栓向左旋到尽头为最短3秒,向右旋到尽头为最长4他种,每次探测到活动发生时都会重新计时。

9.But the timing of the appearance of these component words in the written record seems to make this assembly unpkely.然而从文字记录来看,这几个词的出现时间产生了矛盾,组合在一起也就不太可能。

10.His timing could hardly have been worse: the 1960s was one of the most ideologically charged decades in American history.他几乎是不合时宜:1960年代是美国历史上意识形态斗争最为激烈的时代。