


美式发音: ['tɪməθɪ] 英式发音: ['tɪməθɪ]





n.1.a perennial grass with a cypndrical flower spike, widely cultivated for hay and pasture.2.either of two books of the Bible, originally letters addressed to St Timothy and traditionally attributed to St Paul. They are concerned with the organization of Christian doctrine and codes of Christian behaviour.

1.蒂莫西 Thorndike 桑代克 Timothy 蒂莫西 Titus 泰特斯 ...

2.提摩太前书 帖撒罗尼迦后书-2 Thessalonians 提摩太前书-1 Timothy 彼得后书-2 Peter ...

3.提摩太后书 歌罗西书- Colossians 提摩太后书-2 Timothy 提多书- Titus ...

4.提摩西 Knotgrass 两耳草 Timothy 猫尾草,梯牧草 Knotweed 蓼科杂草 ...

7.提后 ... 提摩太前书 提前 1 Timothy 1Ti 提摩太后书 提后 2 Timothy 2Ti 彼得前书 彼前 1 Peter 1Pe ...


1.In the Bible, we learned that Timothy was blessed by his mother and grandmother.从圣经里,我们知道有一位提摩太如何因着他的母亲和祖母蒙福

2.The teacher spoke in a very stern voice and Timothy had to follow her to her room.老师说得很严厉,蒂莫西只得跟她进房间。

3.Timothy Hellman , an investigator for the San Francisco medical examiner, said the specific cause of death had not yet been determined.旧金山法医研究员蒂莫西*海尔曼说,死亡的明确原因,还没有确定。

4.Back in June, Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary, praised China's announcement that it would move to a more flexible exchange rate.早在六月,美国财长蒂莫西-盖特纳赞扬中国的公告,称其将转向更灵活的汇率。

5.Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in an attempt to rebalance the global economy, are expected to be debated at the summit.美国财长提出的限制经常帐以平衡全球经济的提议,料在峰会上讨论。

6.I want you to know that our brother Timothy has been released. If he arrives soon, I will come with him to see you.你們該知道,我們的兄弟提摩太已經釋放了;他若快來,我必同他去見你們。

7.Now, let's take a look at what this battle is all about and how Timothy is suppose to fight it.现在让我们来看一下这是一场什麽样的战争,并且提摩太如何能够打的好?

8.Timothy Roemer, US ambassador to Delhi, said the US was "deeply disappointed" by the decision not to select US defence companies.美国驻印度大使蒂莫西•罗默(TimothyRoemer)表示,美国对印度决定不选择美国的国防公司“深感失望”。

9.Timothy's unselfishness and proven character gained Paul's praise as a true son who had served with him in the gospel (2: 22).提摩太无私的好品格是有目共睹的,他被保罗夸为与他同劳、兴旺福音的真儿子(2章22节);

10.On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said 'the vast majority' of banks could be considered well-capitapzed.财政部长盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)周二说,绝大部分银行都可以被认为是资金充裕的。