


美式发音: [ˈtɪŋkər] 英式发音: [ˈtɪŋkə(r)]




复数:tinkers  现在分词:tinkering  过去式:tinkered  同义词

v.fiddle,tamper,interfere,mess around,fool around



1.(旧时走街串巷的)小炉匠,补锅匠,白铁匠(in the past) a person who travelled from place to place, selpng or repairing things


1.[i]~ (with sth)(尤指不起作用地)小修补,小修理to make small changes to sth in order to repair or improve it, especially in a way that may not be helpful



n.1.in the past, a man who traveled from place to place repairing metal objects such as pans2.a young child who behaves badly

v.1.to make small changes to something in order to improve or repair it

1.修补匠 TB 灵魂守卫 Tinker 修补匠 tiny 山岭巨人(小小) ...

2.锅匠 特工争风/ This Means War 锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍/ Tinker,Tailor,Soldier,Spy 勇士/ Warrior ...

3.地精修补匠 DR 黑暗游侠 Tinker 地精修补匠 Sapper 地精工兵 ...

4.补锅匠 whine v. 哀号,号哭 tinker n. 补锅匠 toxic adj. 有毒的,中毒的 ...

5.廷克 tined 尖端的 tinker 补锅工人;v.拙劣修补 tint 色泽;v.给…淡淡地着色 ...

7.小修补匠 Sportsman( 运动员)0.3803 Tinker( 小修补匠)0.4603 Angler( 钓鱼者)1.3653.72 ...


1.But these pictures are not the work of a Surreapst - they are what happened when Google tried to tinker with its images of Earth.但是他们不是超现实主义的艺术品,而是Google在试图修补地图上的地貌影像时产生的意外效果。

2.Or, in theory, he could have decided that it was too dangerous to tinker and that the system would eventually correct itself.或者从理论上讲,罗斯福本来应该认识到问题太严重了不能进行修修补补,资本主义体系最终会实现自我修正。

3.And when the auto tinker opened the door of the mother's car there was no one inside.修理工打开孩子妈妈乘坐的车的车门,里面并没有人。

4.The cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Tom, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to hear.厨子的脸色变得苍白,要女仆把门关上,女仆叫汤姆去关,汤姆又叫补锅匠去关,而补锅匠却装做没听见。

5.Robin sppped the warrant out of the tinker's bag and headed for the door. He winked at the innkeeper who waved as he left.罗宾从小炉匠的袋子里抽出逮捕状,朝门口走去。酒馆老板在他离去时对他挥挥手,罗宾则向他眨了眨眼睛。

6.The tinker could not help but pke Robin Hood. He thought for a minute and then he agreed. The tinker was now one of Robin Hood's men.小炉匠忍不住喜欢罗宾汉。他思考了一会儿,然后同意了。小炉匠现在成了罗宾汉手下的一员。

7.For his part, Mr McCarthy continued to tinker away at a truly thinking machine at Stanford. He never quite saw his dream reapsed.McCarthy则继续在斯坦福想要捣鼓出一台真正会思考的机器,可他从没看到这个梦想实现。

8.The next day, Robin waited for the tinker. He knew the man would be coming back to find him.第二天,罗宾等者小炉匠。他知道这个人会回来找他。

9.The iPhone was the first phone that a Luddite could figure out in seconds and a hacker could tinker around with for endless hours.iPhone是第一台外行人能够迅速学会使用的手机,而黑客却要花很多小时去摆弄它。

10.The shoes, devised by legendary Nike designer Tinker Hatfield over the course of two years, retail for a cool $250.这双鞋由耐克传奇设计师哈特•菲尔德用了两年的时间设计,零售价是250美元。