




1.蒂诺 Teobaldo 泰奥巴尔多 Tino 蒂诺 Tommaso 托马索 ...

2.林可昕 Chantelle - 香黛儿 Tino 堤诺 5-10-06 KIKI 餐厅 ...


1.Haipng from the South of Italy, Tino Giuseppe worked at several renowned restaurants in Milan including Dolce & Gabbana GOLD, Catering Q.出生于意大利南部的提诺先生,曾为米兰的多个知名餐厅工作过,比如Dolce&Gabbana金牌餐厅,CateringQ。

2.Perhaps the smartest and most popular show in New York last week was Tino Sehgal's solo exhibition at the Guggenheim.上周最富个性也最受追捧的展览大概是蒂诺·赛格尔在古根海姆的个人展。

3.Tino will go out to meet her friend. True or False.蒂诺将出去见她的朋友是真的还是假的。

4.Oh, I forgot the camera. Who has the camera. Tino has the camera.哦,我忘记带照相机了。谁带了照相机。蒂诺带了照相机。

5.Question: When's Tino's birthday?问题:蒂诺什么时候生日?。

6.Tino: Oh, I forgot the camera. Who has the camera?蒂诺:哦,我忘了带照相机。谁带了照相机?。

7.Tino: I'm very hungry Billy: Me, too. It'salready one thirty.蒂诺:我非常饿。比利:我也是。已经一点半了。

8.Her husband, Tino, makes enough money to support both of them.她的丈夫帝诺挣的钱足够两人花。

9.Who ate my cake? Tino ate the cake.谁吃了我的蛋糕?蒂诺吃了蛋糕。

10.I'm going for asnack bar. Tino: Oh, we're goingthere.我们要去快餐店.蒂诺:哦,我们去那里。