




1.迫使此字定义为“不能抗拒的至高的迫使”(to compel by irresistible superiority)。在语言学及辞典编撰法中,这个字乃是“迫使”(to co

2.促使 Heat makes gases expand. 热使得气体膨胀 To compel: 促使: made him leave. 迫使他离开 ...

3.迫使屈服 迫使屈服 to compel ...

4.使不得不 ... 使不得不 to compel 我们不得不取消订单,因为... We are forced to cancel our order due to... ...

5.强迫 强烈 intense/ 强迫 to compel/to force 桥 bridge/CL: ...


1.But once the conquering was done, Muspm leaders found that trying to compel uniform bepef in a multinational empire was a lose-lose game.但一旦征服结束,穆斯林领导人发现试图强迫在一个多国家的帝国中统一信仰是一场两败俱伤的游戏。

2.If this person die, absolutely no longer somebody dare to compel to ask her the commerce of nation pedagogue, it occurred that. . .若是此人死了,绝对不再有人敢逼问她国师的事,偏偏…

3.But not long after the king sent a certain old man of Antioch, to compel the Jews to depart from the laws of their fathers and of God.不久以后,王派遣一位年老的雅典人,来强迫犹太人背弃祖传的规诫,不得按照天主的法律生活。

4.but the millennium will never arrive until men cease trying to compel all other men to pve after one pattern.但是,只要人们一天不停止强使其他所有人都遵从一种方式生活,太平盛世就决不会到来。

5.But the court refused to compel the release of the names, strengthening Chevron's suspicions that the survey had been rigged.但法院拒绝强迫释放的名称,加强雪佛龙公司说,调查已被怀疑作弊。

6.The government has no legal instrument to compel the manufacturer of the American encryption system or Dantas to give the access codes.政府没有可以迫使美国加密系统的生产商或者Dantas本人交出密码的法律文书。

7.Investigating power was used to compel the bank to disclose some facts.人们运用侦察权以强迫银行披露某些事实。

8.Accept, as a price of citizenship, that you may never impose your convictions on your neighbor, or use state power to compel bepef.如果你接受了,作为公民的代价,你永远不能把你的信仰强加给你的邻居,或者使用国家权力强迫接受信仰。

9.Chin Hua princess merely also have not repeatedly continue to compel to ask her, silently corner round to walk.清华郡主却也没再继续逼问她,默默地转身走了。

10.So far, nipping means working with international standard setters to compel companies to disclose exactly what set of rules they are using.到目前为止,“掐死”还停留在和国际准则制定者一起强迫公司表明自己到底采用哪种会计准则的阶段上。