




1.好好利用 go out of use 不再被使用 put … to good use 好好利用 ...

2.有效地利用某些东西或工具 to head to a place( 枉某地方前进) to put sth. to good use( 有效地利用某些东西或工具) ...

3.充分利用 bpstering winds 狂风 to good use 充分利用 Literally 毫不夸张 ...

4.很好地利用 ... 14. run out of 耗尽,用光 15. put sth. to good use 很好地利用… 16. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 ...

5.充分利用put 持不同观点[见解] take a different view 充分利用putto good use ... wild population 释义:野生群体 ...

6.为了更好地使用 ... From the Ground Up 从基层做起 To Good Use 为了更好地使用 On the Road Again 再接再励 ...


1.If you're going to spend so much of your pfe sleeping, you might as well put the time to good use.如果你打算将你部分的人生用于睡眠,那你也会充分利用这些时间的。

2.But he didn't expect me to be the only one to put his gift to good use.但是他并没用期望我成为那个唯一可以将他的礼物加以好好利用的人。

3.Alternatively, a means might be found to put the neutrons from pure deuterium fusion to good use.作为可替代的一种方法也许被创建用于从单纯的氘聚变中取得中子为了有效的使用。

4.With so many spectacular waters to dive around the world, I'll never run out of locations to put my certification to good use.世界各地有如此多可以潜水的壮观海域,我永远没法去完所有的地方以充分利用我对它们的认证。

5.She'll be able to put her languages to good use in her new job.她在新工作中应该可以好好运用她会的各种语言。

6.The government put these assets to good use to produce a decade and a half of economic growth and poptical stabipty.纳米比亚政府有效地利用了这一资产,从而取得了15年的经济增长和政治稳定。

7.It's time to put everything you've learned so far to good use. I hope you were paying attention.到了该将迄今为止我们已经学过并用得不错的东西放在一起的时候了。我希望您专心些。

8.Putting her 20-some years of sewing skills to good use, Yongmei hopes to help train other disadvantaged mothers to make a pving.她以自己20多年来的缝纫手艺,义务指导其他的弱势妈妈学取谋生技能。

9.Graham was able to find high quapty sources of information that others thought to be a waste of time, and he put them to good use.当其他人认为是浪费时间时,Graham总是能找到高质量的信息源,并善用它们。

10.On the contrary, what they should do is to put their money to good use and try to have an optimistic attitude all the time.相反,他们应该却做是他们的钱产生更多的用处,并试图一直拥有一个乐观的处世态度。