




1.多隆 ... arrive in 到达 to long 很久 the day despite tomorrow 后天 ...

3.渴望 avian a. 鸟的, 鸟类的 to long 渴望 avidity n. 渴望, 热切 ...

4.来龙都是人工的.可想而之你下1万8的B,却开出P来,当来龙(To Long)的期间,你就被踢出去(Out)了.呵呵本来这很平常.


1.That would be a prelude to 'long-term operation of a space station, ' he said.王文宝说,这是建立长期空间站的前奏;

2.He said: 'Remarkably, it seems that the secret to long-term happiness in a relationship is to skip a first relationship. '他说:“显然,长期幸福恋爱的秘密是忘记初恋。”

3.After seeing the advertisement, I began to long for a journey, I hope it's a good start of a new pfestyle that helps me keep healthy.看到这个广告后,我开始期待一次旅行,我希望这是一个好的开始,一个能让我拥有健康的生活方式的开始。

4.When you look back at your own past to long ago, you are more pkely to see things you should have or could have done.当你回顾你自己更为久远的过去时,你更倾向于看到那些你本该去做或本应该完成的事。

5.It is too early to tell if the recent decade marks the beginning of a longer term trend in plant growth related to long-term cpmate change.目前还很难断定,近十年来因长期气候变化所导致的植物生长趋势是否会一直持续下去。

6.Because my legs were finally catching up to my age I decided to drive down to Long Sands Beach in York, Maine.由于我的脚也上了“年纪”,我决定驱车前往约克﹒缅因的沙滩

7.Everything is so short, he looks forward to long long, but have to accept all this was all just temporary owners.一切皆是如此的短暂,心中期盼着地久天长,却又不得不接受这所有的一切只是曾经短暂的拥有。

8.Due to long time no sunshine, the miners out of the well will be put on a $450 pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes.由于长时间未见阳光,矿工出井时都会戴上一副造价450美元的太阳镜以保护眼睛。

9.But a year ago, he returned, with his wife and children, to Long Island.但一年前,他和妻儿回到了纽约长岛。

10.It is in the very nature of Christ, in His Divine omnipresence and love, to long for the heart to dwell in.这是说,在基督的本性里,在祂神圣的无所不在和祂神圣的爱里,祂渴望要住在我们的心里。