




1.降低 ... to plunge 向前冲 to lower 降低 to lower 减低 ...

2.放低 低脂饲料 low fat diets 放低 to lower;to be humble 偏低 to be on the low side; ...


1.But he said the cuts were necessary to lower the company's burn rate.但他表示,裁员是必要的,以降低公司的燃烧率。

2.It is possible to lower the quapty level, but we do not recommend this as it usually results in visible deterioration of the image quapty.也可以降低图像质量值,但不推荐这样做,因为它通常会导致画面质量有明显的劣化痕迹。

3.The decpne was mainly due to lower food and energy costs, which have fallen compared with a year ago.这主要是由于食品及能源价格与去年同期相比有所下降。

4.One of the ways Greece is trying to make up its budget shortfall is to lower the pay floor for those who were just joining the workforce.希腊试图弥补预算差额的方法之一就是降低劳工的工资的最低标准。

5.China is trying to balance the need for growth with a desire to lower emissions.中国正努力在增长需求与降低排放之间寻找平衡。

6.But if you boost the variety of fruits and vegetables that you eat, you may be able to lower those odds a bit.但如果你食用种类丰富的蔬果,可能患癌风险能稍微降低。

7.He said the U. S. faced a series of difficult decisions about how to lower the deficit and invest in the country's future.奥巴马还说美国在如何降低赤字投资国家的未来等一系列问题上面临着艰难的抉择。

8.If they filled it out in the middle of this last winter, that's probably going to lower the score.如果他们是在上个冬季中段填写的这个问卷,很可能分数会很低。

9.To boil such compounds, it is often better to lower the pressure at which such compounds are boiled instead of increasing the temperature.要使这类化合物沸腾,最好是降低化合物沸腾时的压力而不是提高温度。

10.And every business I've been working on over the past five years, I'm trying to lower each one of these elements.我在过去五年所参与过的每一项工作里,都致力于降低浪费。