




1.迁移 正(负)迁移 positive elevation 迁移 to migrate 迁移 transfer ...

2.迁徙 培训/ to cultivate/to train/ 迁徙/ to migrate/to move/ 前夕/ eve/the day before/ ...

3.移民 依据: according to 移民To migrate 社区: community ...

4.随季节而移居 宗教季节 holytide 随季节而移居 to migrate 反季节风 antimonsoon ...

5.转徙 ... 花户 registered occupants of a house 转徙 to migrate;to move house 房钱 charges for a room;house rental ...


1.If magma is going to erupt, it will start to move within the earth's crust and force its way up to migrate to the surface.如果岩浆即将喷发,它会先在地壳内流动,然后向上流向地球表面。

2.Hematopoietic stem cells have been shown to migrate to distant parts of the body in response to injury signals, as have cancer cells.此外,科学家也发现,造血干细胞会因应受伤的信号,移动到身体较远的其他部位,而癌细胞也会迁移。

3.Another approach might be to migrate branches of your run-time environment on an individual basis.另一个方案可能是基于个别的迁移运行时环境的分支。

4.She found that this process ultimately results in an asymmetry that stimulates cells to migrate in the direction of the flow.她发现,这一过程最终导致了一种不对称,即其激励细胞沿着这种流动方向迁移。

5.SaaS promotes the "hollowing out" of IT: a firm that needs to migrate to another system will no longer have the required expertise.SaaS在推广IT的“空心化”:公司有迁移系统的需求却不需要相应的专家。

6.The newspapers are full of adverts from Norwegian construction companies trying to persuade Icelandic workers to migrate.报纸上充斥着挪威建筑公司的广告,这些公司试图说服冰岛工人移民到挪威。

7.a company with a significant amount of overlap might just be acquiring the customer base and planning to migrate it to its own products.而那些有大量交集的公司可能仅仅只是为了获得客户群,收购北电业务后,会计划将客户转移到自己的产品上来。

8.At this point I'm ready to migrate.现在,我已经准备好进行迁移了。

9.This administrative script is usually used to migrate process instances in bulk.该管理员脚本通常用于批量迁移实例。

10.HTML and DITA have many elements in common, which makes it relatively easy to migrate from HTML into plain DITA topics.HTML和DITA有很多共同的元素,因此从HTML迁移到普通的DITA主题相对容易一些。