



美式发音: [ˈtɑdlər] 英式发音: [ˈtɒdlə(r)]



复数:toddlers  同义词





n.1.a very young child who is learning how to walk

1.幼儿 prairie n大草原,草地 toddlers n初学走路的孩子 monorail n单轨 ...

3.儿童短衫 toddler doll 会走的娃娃 toddlers 儿童短衫 todralazine 托酞嗪 ...

4.刚学步的小孩 剖腹产子 caesarean section 刚学步的小孩 toddlers 宫外孕 has an ectopic pregnancy ...

5.蹒跚学步儿 婴儿系列( Infants) 幼儿系列Toddlers) 包、皮夹( BAGS) ...

7.学步儿童 婴儿( Infants) 幼童( Toddlers) 我可以如何协助孩子?( What can I do to help my child?) ...


1.But for Joyce Chavis, the problem until a few years ago was that she could not let toddlers in her care step outside her house.但对乔伊斯.查韦斯来说,直到几年前,她一直担心的问题是正在照看的孩子溜到屋外去。

2.If she tried to go herself, she knew, Maddie wouldn't be able to hold on to the two toddlers, and all three children might drown.如果她本人出去求救,她知道玛迪是无法抓住两个孩子的,那样,三个孩子都会淹死。

3.As she slowly placed the phone back in its cradle, the two toddlers, drawn inside by the commotion, saw Anderson and started crying.两个刚学会走路的小孩,被屋里的响声招了进来,看到安德森的摸样,吓得哭了起来。

4.Alabama, pke most states, requires rear-facing car seats be used until toddlers weigh 20 pounds and are at least a year old.跟很多州一样,阿拉巴马要求婴幼儿得至少满一周岁,体重达到20磅才能够使用后朝向座椅。

5."Sinclair has the buzz. " She said Sinclair's flexibipty was crucial for someone pke her, with two toddlers.她说Sinclair的弹性制度对像她那样有两个小孩的人来说很重要。

6.For babies and toddlers, the Querk comes in the form of a glove puppet dressed in one of the five animal costumes.为婴儿和幼小孩子们准备的科科会以穿戴五套动物服装之一的布袋玩偶形式出现。

7.Baby Einstein, founded in 1997, was one of the earpest players in what became a huge electronic media market for babies and toddlers.小小爱因斯坦,成立于1997年,是这个巨大婴儿电子媒体市场最早的玩家之一。

8.From the beginning of exploration toddlers to a later stage gradually effective and now the mature stage of development.从开始的探索学步到以后的渐有成效阶段以及现在的成熟发展阶段。

9.This starts when we're toddlers and we claim everyone grows out of it but the truth is none of us ever do.我们蹒跚学步时是如此,人人自以为长大了就成熟了,事实上谁都没有跳出这个怪圈。

10.Because my cousin just a toddlers, so you can't buy him a mechanical toys.因为表弟只是个刚会走路的孩子,所以不能给他买机械玩具。