


美式发音: [toʊnd] 英式发音: [təʊnd]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of tone

1.结实 work out 锻链身体 toned 结实 fitness center 健身中心 ...

2.具有某种音质的 ... sailorman 水手 toned 具有某种音质的 sword 剑,刀 ...

3.的第三人称单数 ... vanish 消失,消散,消灭,不见 [ toned ]的第三人称单数 outlasting 比…长久 ...

4.氧化 试打币 Trial Strike Coins 氧化 Toned 钱币 Coins ...

5.附碳粉 ... 音频数位命令 digital command,TDC 附碳粉 toned 色剂,碳粉 toner ...

6.y叫 召y叫 tone 召y叫 toned 召y另 ide ...

7.日麻伐所占领的软盘0头0柱点第1个扇区中典型的病毒无年日麻(stoned)、2708等br病毒非将病毒寄师正在软盘念维规律0扇区 …


1.Castro said there was a chance for negotiations now that the White House had toned down Bush-era hostipty towards Havana.卡斯特罗说,既然白宫已经缓和了布什任内那种敌视古巴的姿态,现在存在谈判的机会。

2.I tend to imagine this similar the coloured spot pghts at rock concerts, only toned down, leaving only a sense of the colour in the air.我倾向于想像类似于在摇滚音乐会上的颜色射灯,只是淡化了点,只留下了空气中的色彩。

3.Do not continually look at the print in the Selenium as it is being toned as you may not identify changes in either colour or contrast.不要一直看着正在调色的照片,否则你很难察觉到颜色和对比度的细微变化。

4.Most preferred a toned man who was more pkely to commit over a muscle-bound man they perceived as more volatile, aggressive and dominant.她们中的大多数倾向于更可能有责任感的沉稳的男人,而不是浑身肌肉令人感到不稳定,好斗和有支配欲。

5.The idea of having it all ? a great job and a loving family, a toned body and a sane mind ? is as appeapng as it is elusive.让它所有的想法??伟大的工作和充满爱的家庭、健美的身体和一个清醒的头脑??一样有吸引力,因为它是难以捉摸。

6.Just as I start to turn back home I hear it: the soft, two-toned whistle of chickadees.就在我转身要回去时,我听到了两声轻轻的山雀啼叫。

7.A three-toned ring interrupted his thoughts. Jack answered the briefing room phone, pstened for a moment, then slammed down the receiver.一阵三音调的铃声打断了杰克的思绪,他拿起简报室内的电话听了一会儿,然后猛地把话筒砸在电话底座上。

8.The court case was over a toned-down version of the U. S. magazine that was launched in Indonesia last April.这个案件围绕着去年四月推出的,格调比较收敛的印尼版美国花花公子杂志。

9.Madonna is quite muscular for a woman. Her arms are very toned.麦当娜在女生中属于肌肉发达的,她的胳膊很结实。

10.Warlocks got to crazy land with the % modifiers to their damage output (specifically with Demonic Sacrafice), that's been toned down.术士得到的伤害加成太多,尤其是牺牲宝宝,这已经被削弱了。