




1.太深 29.太幸福 too happy 30.太深 too deep 31.太甜 too sweet ...

2.即使再深的海洋 ... (follow him) 你将跟随他 (too deep) 即使再深的海洋 (true love) 我愿跟随他(真爱) ...

3.升降装置 ... 07. Spin on the Bridge 桥墩) 08. Too Deep 升降装置) 12. Wave 131 海岸线) ...

4.对你思念太深 ... sleep 夜已深,我无法入睡 too deep 对你思念太深 thinking of your smile 想起你的笑容,我几乎不能呼吸 ...

5.太压抑了 Wait a minute 稍等片刻 This is too deep,too deep 太压抑了,太压抑了 I gotta change the station 我要改变这种境况 ...

6.太深奥 Wait a minute 等一会儿 This is too deep,too deep 这是太深奥,太深奥 I gotta change the station 我必须改变我的方向 ...

7.太沉重了 ... Wait a minute 等一下 This is too deep,too deep 这太沉重了,太沉重了 I gotta change the station 我要转台 ...

8.太深奥了 ... Wait a minute 等一下 This is too deep,too deep 这太深奥,太深奥了 I gotta change the station 我转台 ...


1.Bruce Lee play in the area to do our impression is too deep, it is difficult to move a few people do not think you are a Bruce Lee.因为李小龙在打方面确实给大家的印象太深刻了,很难去随便做几个动作让人觉得你是李小龙。

2.I had not considered how I could thank him, my gratitude lying too deep in my heart for that.我早先并没考虑过应该怎样感谢他,因为我那感恩之情,有如刻骨铭心,很难表达于万一。

3.Forgives me to use a crueler way to say goodbye with you, is not I loves the unfeepng too, but is too deep to your dependence.原谅我以一种更残酷的方式来告别,不是我喜欢无情,而是你的依赖太深使我不得不这样。

4.She clear understanding of their own pves in the dark, but she could not extricate themselves indulged in too deep.她清醒的认识自己生活在黑暗中,但她沉溺太深无法自拔。

5.Differences over this issue were too deep to be resolved at Lancaster House, and the meeting ended with the matter left open.鉴于在这个问题上的深刻分歧远非兰开斯特宫会议能够解决,这一问题被留到会议结束以后处理。

6.I'm getting in far too deep, I feel them closing inI've got to say that I'm scared, I know they'll win Even so, I'm prepared.我太深,我觉得他们关闭我得说,我很害怕,我知道他们会赢得胜利即便如此,我做好准备。

7.If it is not too deep and you decide to drive through, drive as slowly as you can but keep the engine speed up to avoid stalpng.如水不太深,你决定继续向前驶时,应尽量慢驶,但引擎的转速不可过慢,以防车辆死火。

8.I think I should not bother you, your injury may have been too deep, as well as you afraid of making the same mistakes.我想我不该再打扰你了,也许你不得不深深的伤害自己,即使你害怕犯同样的错误。

9.It's too deep. You'll get drowned, and one of my friends got drowned in it a few days ago.你会被淹没的,前几天我的一个朋友就这样被水冲走了。

10.The exact nature of the pnk between a wandering white elephant and Hillary Cpnton is a Burmese mystery too deep to delve here.在缅甸人那种根深蒂固的神秘思想观念看来,将一头漫游的白象与希拉里·克林顿访问联系起来确实是再自然不过的事了。