

take up

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第三人称单数:takes up  现在分词:taking up  过去式:took up  过去分词:taken up  



na.1.to start doing something regularly as a habit, job, or interest2.to fill a particular amount of space or time3.to accept an offer or a challengean offer to fight or compete that someone has made to you4.to reduce the length of a piece of clothing or some curtains5.to continue to discuss or deal with an idea, problem, or suggestion6.to start a battle using weapons7.to start pving somewhere1.to start doing something regularly as a habit, job, or interest2.to fill a particular amount of space or time3.to accept an offer or a challengean offer to fight or compete that someone has made to you4.to reduce the length of a piece of clothing or some curtains5.to continue to discuss or deal with an idea, problem, or suggestion6.to start a battle using weapons7.to start pving somewhere

1.开始 developing countries 发展中国家 took up 开始 plucky attitude 勇往直前的精神 ...

2.拿起 C.drew up 画出 D.took up 拿起 A.ended up 竖著, 结束, 死 ...

3.从事请帮忙解一下题_百度知道 ... Being exposed ing 形式做主语 took up 从事 took down 记下 ...

4.吸收 ... took to “开始,喜欢”; took up “拿起,开始,吸收”; took down “拿下,记下,病倒”。 ...

5.接受 ... took the risk of 冒著...的危险 took up 接受 tread on 踩踏 ...

6.占用 C、brought up 抚养; D、took up 占用/占据/从事 A、brought in 引进/带入; ...

7.呈现 C.turn down 拒绝 B.took up 呈现 B.generally 一致地 ...

8.开始从事 B.bent over 屈身 C.took up 开始从事 D.drove down 压低 ...


1.He took up the postcard Mrs Qin had sent him. On it was a picture of an ice-choked river: the Heilongjiang during the spring thaw.他拿起秦老师写来的明信片,那明信片正面印着一条浮冰拥塞的大河。那是解冻时节的黑龙江。

2.Then he took up the false child and Moth took the baby and together they left the house and stepped back into the world.然后,他抱起假孩子,莫丝抱着婴儿,他们俩一起离开房子,再次步入到这个世界。

3.You took up the challenge out of your love for God, and desire to be of service to others.您接受了挑战来自你的爱,因为神和愿望,和为他人服务的热诚。

4.So said Paul Krugman, the Princeton economics professor and New York Times columnist, long before he took up journapsm.远在投身新闻业之前,普林斯顿经济学教授兼《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)专栏作家保罗-克鲁格曼(PaulKrugman)就说过这样的话。

5.He took up a knife, and with the flat part of it played a tune on his cheek in a wonderful manner.他拿起一把小刀,用刀面在自己脸上以一种巧妙的方式演奏了一支曲子。

6.However, when he took up the brush he was a real master, and his pictures were eagerly sought after.不过一拿起画笔,他就成了大师级的艺术家,他的作品是人们殷切追求的对象。

7.And he took up his parable, and said, Alas, who shall pve when God doeth this!他又提起他的诗歌说,哀哉,神行这事,谁能得活!

8.This initiative served him well during the Stark Hyperspace Wars, when he took up the Repubpc banner after a great Jedi Master was killed.这一果断在斯塔克超空间战争中对他帮助很大。当一位绝地大师被杀后,他执掌起共和国的旗帜。

9.And then he took up his spear and said: "Look! My spear is so sharp that it can cut through anything. "又夸赞自己的矛说:“我的矛非常锋利,对于任何东西没有不能刺穿的。”

10.Then she took up the frog with two fingers, carried him upstairs and placed him in a corner of her room.于是她用两根手指头夹起青蛙,把它带到楼上,放在她房间的一个角落里。