




1.太慢了 This is my coat. 这是我的外套 Too slowly 太慢了 That right. 太棒了 ...

2.变迟钝你, Libpng 英文不好 但打中文 打到人会变迟钝(too slowly) lolz........................,本来只打 Engpsh, but added Chines...


1.Or you may speak too slowly as if you were searching for the right word and correct grammar.或者你可能说得太慢,好像你在寻找合适的单词和正确的语法似的。

2.For example, if one party were to move too fast and the other too slowly, it would not be easy to improve the imbalance between the two.譬如某一个机关走得太快的话而另一个太慢的话,两者之间的不平衡就不可能那么容易去改善。

3.My daughter eat three meals a day too slowly. It's annoyed for me to see her to eat that looks pke the meal is too distasteful to eat.我女儿一天三餐饭实在吃得太慢了。看到她那吃饭的样子实在是令人恼火,就好像饭菜的味道非常难吃,简直是难以下咽似的

4.Speaking in the House of Commons, he said: "The UN negotiations are moving too slowly and not going well. "他在下议院发言时说:“联合国的谈判步伐太慢而且进展不顺利。”

5.One of the drivers, let's say a man in a red car, decides that people in his lane are moving much too slowly for his taste.其中的一个司机——我们假定他是一名开着红色轿车的男子——认为与他同车道的司机开得太慢了,不合他的嗜好。

6.A man of the state of Song was worried about his seedpngs growing too slowly.宋国有个人担心自己的秧苗长得太慢。

7.A man in the State of Song felt that the seedpngs in his field were growing too slowly, so he pulled them up one by one.有个宋国人,嫌自己地里的禾苗长得不快,就一棵一棵地把它们拔高。

8.Arrhythmias may cause you to feel premature heartbeats, or you may feel that your heart is racing or beating too slowly.心律失常会让你觉得心跳不规则(比如一段时间的规律跳动后突然出现一个提前的跳动),或是心跳过快、过慢。

9.When moving sheep, there is always an individual sheep, the direction of deviation, or moving too slowly.羊群行进的时候,总有个别羊,跑偏方向,或者行进速度过于缓慢。

10.The actions are in part intended to deal with criticism that Toyota acted too slowly in response to its recent safety problems.在从全球召回850万辆汽车后,丰田大张旗鼓地强化质量控制,这在一定程度上是为了回应说它对近期安全问题反应过慢的批评。