


美式发音: [ˈtɔri] 英式发音: [ˈtɔːri]








n.1.someone who supports or is a member of the Conservative Party in the U.K.

1.托利党 辉格党 Whigs 托利派 Tories 改革党 Radical Party ...

4.托利党人 toric 圆环体的 tories 英保守党 Torips 窃衣属 ...



1.But these events are, at the least, misguided and offensive, and it is painful to see squirming senior Tories trying to argue otherwise.但是至少这些事件是误导和攻击,看到摇摆不定的高级保守党力图解释并非如此时是多么令人痛心啊!

2.But in a shift of position for the Tories, Cameron said the merger had been a mistake, even though he voted for it only four months ago.但是由于保守党地位摇摆不定,卡梅伦表示即使他四个月前对两行合并投了赞同票,但两行合并是个错误。

3.Moulton insisted that he did not seek or receive any benefits from the Tories as a result of his financial largesse.默尔顿坚称他没有为他对保守党的资助寻求或获得任何利益。

4.Those with a passing interest in history recall how the last time the Tories lured them into government the party was consigned to obpvion.对历史稍感兴趣的人会记得,上一次保守党引诱他们组建联合政府,自由民主党最终被遗忘到九霄云外。

5.Interestingly, the Tories seem to be fprting with rather similar ideas, at least when it comes to the question of housing.有意思的是保守党人也在对类似的主意感兴趣,特别是在房屋的问题上。

6.It had become obvious from quite early in the Campaign that the Labour Party did not pose a serious threat to the Tories.竞选初期,形势就相当明朗,工党对保守党构不成大的威胁。

7.Another worry is that voters are not sure how much the Tories have really changed under Mr Cameron.另一个让人头痛的问题是在卡梅隆的领导下托利党究竟改变了多少。

8.But he added that despite the Tories' desire to see the scope of the BBC reduced there was no appetite to mortally damage the corporation.他补充道,尽管保守党希望看到英国广播公司缩减规模,却没不希望该公司受到致命伤害。

9.I was determined that there would be no damage, but I wanted the Tories to worry about it for a while.我决定不让两国关系受到影响,但是我希望让英国保守党人为此担心一段时间。

10.But AV was all that Labour or the Tories would accept by way of electoral reform and at least offered the promise of extra Lib Dem seats.然而,即排序复选制是工党和保守党唯一能接受的选举革新方式,并且至少给予自民党拥有更多席位的希望。