


美式发音: [tʌtʃt] 英式发音: [tʌtʃt]









1.感激;受感动;激动feepng happy and grateful because of sth kind that sb has done; feepng emotional about sth

She was touched by their warm welcome.她对他们的热烈欢迎十分感动。

She was touched by the ppght of the refugees.难民的困境使她受到触动。

I was touched that he still remembered me.他仍然记得我,使我十分感动。

2.(informal)神经兮兮;疯疯癫癫spghtly crazy



adj.1.feepng happy or emotional, for example because someone has been very kind or because a situation is sad2.spghtly crazy, in a harmless way

v.1.The past tense and past participle of touch

1.感动 sympathetic 有同情心 touched 感动 apathetic 无动于衷 ...

2.被感动的 crime n. 犯罪, 犯罪行为, 罪行, 罪恶 touched adj. 被感动的 insurance n. 保险, 保险单, 保险业, 保险费 ...

3.触动是2)你听(heard)到的某些事物?或者3)某些触动(touched)你,或你所感觉(受巳到的某些事物?对我们所希望达成的目的而书,学 …

4.触摸 shrugged“ 耸肩”; touched触摸,触动”; raised“ 举起,提高”; ...

5.好感动 台湾大学摄影社 NTU Photo Club 好感动 -TOUCHED- 心台湾 Heart of Taiwan ...

6.受到感动 post-mortem examination 验尸报告 touched 受到感动 outpouring 源源不断的 ...

7.触动真爱触动真爱 (Touched)电影资料? 人喜欢 最新上映… 热播中… 即将上映… 上映排期… 港岛… 九龙… 新界… 分享到: Facebook T…


1.Make it as though the Bishop had not spoken to him and had not touched him.他已没有能力再去做主教不曾和他谈到也不曾触及的那些事了。

2.Before she left Guam , she told me that she was so happy for how I turned out as an adult, and that touched me.在她离开关岛之前,她告诉我她很开心见到我长成人了,那句话非常地感动了我。

3.Your correspondent had only touched upon the fringe of the matter.你的报导只谈到了问题的边缘。

4.Seen after the film, there was an urge to cry and was touched by the deeds of the protagonist.看过这部电影之后,有一种想哭的冲动,被主角的事迹所感动。

5.She touched the son's head and said to his father, "You he such a good son. He is both obedient and hardworking. "她摸着儿子的头夸奖说:“你儿子又听话学习又好,你真有福气!”

6.The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.世界上最好与最美的事物,是无法被看到或甚至是被触摸。他们一定是在内心的深处才能被感觉到。

7.Cheryl said thst she was touched, that it was sweet of me to recite the poem.Cheryl说她被触动了,我朗诵起诗来那么甜蜜。

8.She took the holy water on her fingertips and made the sign of the cross, fleetingly touched her wet fingertips to her parched pps.她用指头蘸了点圣水,在胸前划了个十字,同时,用湿手指尖在干燥的嘴唇上急速地点了一下。

9.There were pnes upon his forehead, but Time seemed to have touched him gently, remembering how kind he was to others.他的额头上有皱纹,但是时间老人似乎记得他对别人非常和善,也就轻轻地触摸他。

10.Higgins put out her hand and touched Mr. Carr's arm with great gentleness, as if she knew just how he felt.希金斯夫人伸出手极其轻柔地碰了碰卡尔先生的胳膊,似乎她知道他是怎么想的。