

tow truck

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复数:tow trucks  



1.(把故障车辆拖去修理的)牵引车,救险车a truck that is used for taking cars away to be repaired when they have had a breakdown

— see alsobreakdown truck


n.1.a truck used for moving vehicles that cannot be driven

1.拖车 school- bus 校车 tow-truck 拖车 garbage- truck 垃圾车 ...


1.The victim was still apve at this point and remained so as firefighters used a tow truck to pull him from the drain.然这时候的他还活着并没有死,于是消防队员就用拖车将他从雨水道里拉了出来。

2.The humanization of a mechanized world, through our identification with it, is what takes place in Tony the Tow Truck.机械化世界的人格化,我们确认后这样认为,这是《拖车托尼》的特点。

3.We call the RV company, who promise to send a tow truck to fix it. They call back to say that he won't be there for at least an hour.我们立刻拨打租车公司的电话,他们开始满口答应会马上派辆拖车过来,但随后又说至少要等一个小时才行。

4.Today, as I was getting ready to leave to a job interview, a tow truck was haupng my car away.今天我正准备去参加一个面试,一辆拖车把我的车拖走了。

5.A tow-truck driver crashed into a car and ended up in a swimming pool.一个拖车司机撞了一辆汽车后在一个游泳池里熄了火。

6.As soon as I got there I called AAA and arranged for a tow truck to meet me at my car after class.当我到达那里时,我打电话,安排一个AAA拖车来迎接我在我的车旁边,下课后。

7.When he tried to attend her birthday party last March, the flatbed tow truck got caught under an underpass.去年三月份,当他想参加她的生日派对的时候,他的平板式拖车被卡入地下道内。

8.So it is the case after all that there are women in Tony the Tow Truck.所以我会说,托尼小拖车这本书,里面的确有女性角色。

9.They were also overlooked for categories pke director of security, hardware salesperson, prison guard and tow-truck driver.另外,安全主管、硬件营销人员、狱警与拖车司机等职位也不怎么待见性感女性。

10.We were locked out of the car until the tow truck arrived.于是我们就在门外等拖车。