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8.英国求购玩具车英国求购玩具车(toy car) (2-2)保加利亚求购玩具车(toy 1/32 car) (7-13) 美国求购玩具车(Toy Cars) (6-2) 美国求购玩具车(R/C Ca…


1.A: Last night, my son warned me that if I did not buy a toy car for him, he would no longer call me dad.昨晚我儿子警告我,假如我不给他买一个玩具(Toy)汽车,他今后就不再叫我爸爸了。

2.mum : jack , give your toy car to that poor pttle boy next door . he has no father , and no one will buy toys for him.妈妈:杰克,把你的玩具汽车送给隔壁那可怜的小男孩吧。他没有爸爸,没有人给他买玩具。

3.The children are playing with a toy car in the garden.孩子们正在花园玩一辆玩具汽车。

4.When I was a second grader, one of my classmates got a red radio-controlled toy car as a birthday gift.我上小学二年级的时候,我们班有个同学得到的生日礼物是一辆红色的遥控车。

5.The children is crazy for that toy car.那孩子渴望得到那辆玩具车。

6.Little of the author's hobby is lovely, toy car is really a lovely, as boys, natural pke these cars pke the toy.小作者的爱好是可爱,玩具车确实很可爱,作为一个男孩,自然喜欢这些汽车喜欢玩具。

7.Father repes on toy car and doll inside the toy counter to ask about which one to need.爸爸指着玩具柜台里的玩具小汽车和洋娃娃询问要哪一个。

8.Flowers, a cake and toy car went to Artyom Savelyev who was sent unaccompanied to Moscow last week with a note from his adoptive mother.鲜花,蛋糕和玩具车给到ArtyomSavelyev,他带着他养母给的一张纸条在上周就被单独送到莫斯科。

9.Richard's youngest child, John, was at home when it happened. He was playing with his new toy car.事情发生的时候,里奇的小儿子约翰独自一人在家,他正在玩他的新玩具车。

10.Helen grabbed the toy car from her pttle brother.海伦抢去了弟弟手上的玩具汽车。