


美式发音: [ˈtreɪlˌbleɪzər] 英式发音: [ˈtreɪlˌbleɪzə(r)]



复数:trailblazers  同义词




1.创始人;先驱;拓荒者;开路先锋a person who is the first to do or discover sth and so makes it possible for others to follow


n.1.someone who is the first to do something or to discover something

1.开拓者 2006 先驱者 TrailBlazer EXT 2006 先驱者 TrailBlazer 2006 塔荷 Tahoe ...


4.开路先锋 开立信用证 Open credit 开路先锋 Trailblazer 开明白人 Enpghtened whites ...

5.雪佛兰先驱者 ... Red Cadeaux 红色礼物(英) Trailblazer 始创先锋(日) Snow Fairy 飞雪仙踪(爱) ...

7.开路人 ... rid sth. of sth. 使摆脱 trailblazer 开路人,创始人,先驱 legume 豆荚,豆科植物 ...


1.Alessandra Mussopni turns out to have been a trailblazer: the kinder, gentler face of fascism.亚历山德拉·墨索里尼被证明是个先驱者:更加和善,更加绅士面孔的法西斯主义者。

2.At a minimum it has been a trailblazer of innovation that a generation of companies are trying to copy.至少,它是在一个只有拷贝复制的时代的一种开拓一种创新。

3.And I respect Geraldine Ferraro, she is a trailblazer, and was an inspiration for a lot of people, including myself when she ran.我尊重费拉罗,她是一位开路先锋。她当年竞选时激励了很多人,包括我本人。

4.The Trailblazer itself is rather slow and sluggish, but is equipped with a powerful main gun and a gun turret.“先驱者”级本身行动想当迟缓,但是却可以装备强力的主炮以及炮塔。

5.The U. S. pavipon was a 200 foot-high geodesic dome designed by inventor R. Buckminster Fuller, a trailblazer for geodesic structures.美国馆是一个由发明家R.BuckminsterFuller设计的200英尺高的网格状圆顶,这也是网格状建筑的先驱。

6.Now retired and pving in his native Shanghai, Mr. Yao is an unpkely connoisseur and a trailblazer on the Chinese wine scene.已经退役的姚明现在住在老家上海,他出人意料地成为品酒行家、中国葡萄酒行业的开拓者。

7.But on Saturday, President Obama praised Ferraro as a trailblazer who broke down barriers for women and for Americans of all backgrounds.不过奥巴马总统星期六赞扬费拉罗是为妇女和美国所有其它背景的人打破禁固的开拓者。

8.As a result, demand is growing for more typical vehicles pke this armored Chevrolet TrailBlazer.因此,人们对于例如雪佛兰开拓者等传统车辆的监控需求有着越来越高的要求。

9.This removes much of the doubt and discomfort experienced by a trailblazer.这就去除了一个开拓者所要经历的许多疑惑与不快。

10.Anne became a well-rewarded columnist for the Daily Mail and a trailblazer for other female journapsts.安妮成为了《每日邮报》广受赞誉的专栏作家,是其他女记者的先驱。