


美式发音: [ˈtreɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈtreɪtə(r)]



复数:traitors  同义词反义词





1.~ (to sb/sth)背叛者;叛徒;卖国贼a person who gives away secrets about their friends, their country, etc.

He was seen as a traitor to the sociapst cause.他被视为社会主义事业的叛徒。

She denied that she had turned traitor(= become a traitor ) .她否认自己叛变了。

n.1.卖国贼;叛徒 (of)

n.1.someone who tells secrets about their own country to a country that is its enemy2.someone who is not loyal to their friends, family, or employer

1.叛徒 Attack of the Autobots 汽车人的攻击 Traitor 叛徒 The Immobipzer 静止器 ...

2.叛国者 training 训练 traitor 叛徒,卖国贼 transfer 转移,调动;转让 ...

4.叛逆者 trait 特徵 traitor 叛逆者 tram 电车 ...

5.汉奸 汉族〖 theHannationapty〗 汉奸traitor(toChina)〗 汉室〖 HanDynasty(206B.C—220)〗 ...

6.背信弃义的人 timber n. 木材;木料 traitor n. 叛徒;卖国贼;背信弃义的人 tuition n. 学费;讲授 ...

7.内奸 叛教者,叛徒 quispng n. 卖国贼,内奸 traitor n. 变节,背叛 apostasy n. ...


1.Holdbrooks skims over the words, as if he is quoting from his forthcoming memoir, Traitor?这些仿佛是从他即将出版的回忆录中引用的话被霍德布鲁克略略带过。叛徒?

2.She visited a temple in which there was a statue of a traitor, The traitor would be cursed by his people forever.他参观了一座寺庙,里面有一座卖国贼的雕像。卖国贼将永远被人民诅咒。

3.In 141 years, there never been a traitor in the Secret Service. . . Until Now.这部影片与本年来一些真正优良的特工电影现比而言有些逊色。

4.For her trouble, she was called a "race traitor" and a "whore" ; feces were dumped on her parents' doorstep.麻烦的是,她被称为“民族叛徒”、“娼妓”,在她父母家门口的台阶上满是粪便。

5.He received so much criticism here in England, as if he is a poptical traitor, talking to both parties.他在英国这儿受到了那么多指责,好像他就是个政治叛徒,跟两个党都能谈。

6.I am happy for her, its her decision and rights, and it is unfair to call her a traitor, anyway singaporean people are half chinese. . .我替她感到高兴。这是她自己的权利,叫她卖国贼是不公平的——反正新加坡人都是半个中国人…

7.A woman with a W-tini in her hand admitted she felt a bit of a traitor as the drink DID not reflect her poptical opinion.一位手拿一杯布什马丁尼的女士承认,因为她点的饮料没有体现自己的政治倾向,她有一丝背叛的感觉。

8.Another journapst, Lee Jun, said that if caught, he would be branded a traitor by his government and executed.另一记者LeeJun说,如果被抓,他会被当作叛国者处决。

9.It does not help that many Repubpcans see him as a traitor: most of his support seems to come from independents and Democrats.许多共和党人将他看作是叛徒的情况并没有改善:他的大多数支持看起来是来自无党派人士和民主党人。

10.The superior was suspicious of his survival, -- he thought the soldier might be a traitor.他的上级怀疑他的幸存-他认为士兵有可能是个叛徒。