




1.曲马多 四氢西泮( Tetrazepam) 曲马多*( Tramadol) 乙烯比妥( Vinylbital) ...

2.曲马朵 127.四氢西泮 Tetrazepam 128.盐酸曲马多* Tramadol 129.乙烯比妥 Vinylbital ...

4.反胺苯环醇 trajectory 轨道,弹道,轨线 tramadol 反胺苯环醇 tramal 反胺苯环醇 ...

5.特拉吗窦 苯甲吗林( Phenmetrazine) 特拉吗窦Tramadol) 三唑仑( Triazolam) ...

6.曲马多胶囊 药型 数 ### 237 曲药多 Tramadol ### ★ 栓药 ### 238 舒芬太尼 Sufentanyl ...


1.Nefopam hydrochloride tablets tramadol hydrochloride tablets as a new non-narcotic analgesics, both fever and mild muscle relaxation.奈福泮片奈福泮片为一种新型的非麻醉性镇痛药,兼有轻度的解热和肌松作用。

2.Respiratory depression following change of medication from tramadol to morphine is described in two patients.呼吸抑制下列改变药物吗啡曲马多中描述的两名患者。

3.Conclusions: Intramuscular injection of tramadol and droperidol is helpful in prevention of shivering after epidural anesthesia.结论:肌注曲马朵和氟哌啶有助于预防低位硬膜外麻醉后寒战。

4.OBJECTIVE To investigate the pharmacokinetics of tramadol hydrochloride in Chinese Han healthy volunteers.目的研究盐酸曲马多胶囊在汉族健康人体内的药动学。

5.The analgesic activity of tramadol is still under discussion.曲马多的镇痛药理学研究仍在进一步探讨中。

6.It all starts with one pill, afterwards Tramadol is consumed in large quantities.开始是一粒药丸,后来就是大量地使用。

7.Objective To observe the effects of scalp nerve block combined with tramadol PCA on the postoperative pain undergoing craniotomy.目的观察比较开颅前行头部神经阻滞和(或)联合术后曲马多PCA(患者自控镇痛)对手术后疼痛的影响及镇痛效果。

8.Related to morphine and heroin, the Gaza health ministry recognizes Tramadol as a painkiller and allows its sale only by prescription.由于这种药和吗啡、海洛因有关,加沙健康部门只允许曲马多在医药处方中作为止痛药使用。

9.Comparison between Demerol and Tramadol for treating chill in epidural anesthesia .哌替啶、曲马多治疗硬膜外麻醉中寒战的比较更详细。

10.Objective To ascertain the best ratio of Tramadol compound injection.目的筛选曲马多复方注射剂的最佳镇痛作用配伍比例。