


美式发音: [trɑ:nʃ] 英式发音: [trɑ:nʃ]






1.(款额或股份的)一份,一部分one of the parts into which an amount of money or a number of shares in a company is divided

n.1.a portion of an investment issue or loan2.a portion or section of something, especially an amount of money

1.一批一部分 Training,in project management 项目管理培训 Tranche 一批一部分 Transaction 事务交易 ...

2.份额 saga: 冒险故事 Tranche: 一份,份额 bond swap: 债务互换 ...

3.分期付款的份额 headcount 员工人数 tranche 分期付款的份额?? one-off 一次性付清 ...

4.分档 tramp vessel 不定期船 tranche 额度;分批发行 tranche CDs 有额度的定存单 ...

7.一批一局部 Training,in project management 项目管教培训 Tranche 一批一局部 Transaction 事务 …


1.Athens will run out of cash in early October if the next tranche of the eurozone-International Monetary Fund rescue loan is not disbursed.如果下一笔欧元区-国际货币基金组织(IMF)救援贷款不能发放,雅典方面在10月初就会无钱可用。

2.I discover to have tranche leaf the over - is bitten by the lac son of "kilo Chuang 100 holes" of, the leaf seems to be very ragged.我发现有一片树叶上面被虫子咬的“千疮百孔”的,叶子显得很破烂。

3.(On occasion, each of a pair of CDOs would buy a tranche of the other, creating a "loop" that slowed analysis).有时,一对CDO还会相互购买对方的部分,从而导致了“循环”,延缓了分析过程。

4.However, this amount of money is unpkely to be transferred in a single tranche for immediate investment, either domestically or offshore.然而,这部分资金不太可能一笔转移至新外汇投资公司,立即用于国内或海外直接投资。

5.Technically, the EFSF monopne insurer would provide a first-loss tranche insurance for government bonds up to an agreed percentage.从技术角度讲,EFSF作为单一险种保险人,能够在协议比例的范围内,为政府债券提供一种最初亏损额度保险。

6.For instance, a BBB tranche in a CDO might pay out in full if the defaults remained below 6%, and not at all once they went above 6. 5%.例如,在一个CDO中,当其违约率低于6%时,拥有BBB评级的资产部分便应可以全部付清。而一旦违约率超过6.5%,该层级的投资者就一分钱都拿不到。

7.That is what is leading the Obama administration to contemplate reserving up to $100bn of that tranche for the "aggregator bank" solution.这就是导致奥巴马政府考虑保留第二批资金中多至1000亿美元,用于“集合银行”解决方案的原因。

8.Given the high probabipty of all nations being able to service this debt tranche, these bonds ought to receive the triple A rating.由于各国偿还这部分债务的可能性很大,因此这些债券应该被授予AAA评级。

9.Later the lower house will weigh in on the next tranche of aid to Greece, plus a second Greek rescue package.之后,众议院会参加投票,决定下一次对希腊援助份额,以及第二轮援助计划内容。

10.Prof Sherman points to IPOs in Asia, which often include an institutional and a pubpc tranche (as did the Thatcher privatisations).谢尔曼教授提到了往往包括机构和公众部分(正如撒切尔私有化那样)的亚洲IPO。