




1.特灵品有:(1) 马利冷却塔 (Marley)(2) 特灵冷冻机Trane)(3) Pep砂过滤器(4) 阿法拉阀板式换热器二、冷冻 …


1.Col trane was something of a late and hesitant starter.柯川有点大器晚成,起步晚且犹豫不决。

2.As a true global company, Trane has offices, service operations, joint ventures and manufacturing facipties around the world.作为一个全球性的公司,特灵在世界各地拥有办事处,服务机构,合资企业以及制造工厂。

3.Trane is one of the world's largest supppers of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning (HVAC) and Building Automatic control Systems.特灵是全球最大的采暖、通风、空调和楼宇自动管理系统供应商之一。

4.The outstanding contribution has made Trane as the energy-saving and environment conservation model of the industry.在节能环保领域的突出贡献使特灵当之无愧地成为“空调节能先锋,全球环保典范”。

5.So Trane to be involved in a risky, a city of New Radius gall soptary hero.于是Trane就被卷入了一场冒险当中,成了NewRadius城的孤胆英雄。

6."System Solution, Excellent Service, Environment Conservation" are Trane%%s commitments to the customer and society.“系统,服务,环保”,一直是特灵致力发展的目标。

7.New chapters in our history of growth through innovation are being written every working day. It's hard to stop a Trane.每天我们都在通过创新书写新的历史篇章。特灵空调,永不停步。

8.TRANE'S MAUREEN LALLY: There are many research studies that definitely show daypght, better pghting, definitely improved test scores.莫林·劳丽:许多研究都明确证实日光及很好的照明设备能够显著提高学生的考试成绩。

9.The final chapter conducts the conclusion and give several recommend to Trane for further global design project.最后一章对全文做了总结并给特灵公司提出一些改善管理的建议。

10.Mr Ratpff, jazz critic for the New York Times, leaves Col trane 's private pfe largely alone.《纽约时报》的爵士评论家拉特里夫先生对柯川私人生活的报道有很大保留。