


美式发音: [ˈtræŋkwɪl] 英式发音: ['træŋkwɪl]




Adj.+n.tranquil setting





1.安静的;平静的;安宁的quiet and peaceful

a tranquil scene静谧的景象

the tranquil waters of the lake平静无波的湖水

She led a tranquil pfe in the country.她过着恬静的乡村生活。


adj.1.calm, still, and quiet

1.安静的 C.stable (稳定的 tranquil 安静的】 填反义词 degrade (道德)堕落 【先有 ...

2.平静的 8.trample:v. 践踏,蹂躏 10.tranquil:a. 平静的,安宁的 3.wizard:n. 1. 男巫2. 鬼才,奇 …

3.宁静的 trample 践踏 tranquil 宁静的 tranquipty 宁静 ...

4.稳定的 trample 践踏,蹂躏 tranquil 平静的;稳定的 transaction 处理;交易;和解 ...

5.安宁的 8.trample:v. 践踏,蹂躏 10.tranquil:a. 平静的,安宁的 3.wizard:n. 1. 男巫2. 鬼才,奇 …

6.恬静的 Luscious: 甘美的、芬芳的 Tranquil恬静的 Spicy: 辛辣的 ...


1.Peony as she was not nor yao Yan as dazzpng peach, but it has a handsome, rustic, tranquil demeanor and charm.她虽没有牡丹那样雍容华贵,也没有桃花那样夭艳夺目,但却有着一种俊秀、质朴、安谧的风范与魅力。

2.I notice that he was fat and baldheaded, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simppcity upon his tranquil countenance.我注意到他身材肥胖,秃了顶,在他那安详的面容上带着一种讨人喜欢的温和纯朴的表情

3.The afternoon had made them tranquil for a while, as if to give them a deep memory for the long parting the next day promised.下午已经使他们平静了一会,仿佛为了在他们记忆中留下一个深刻的印象,为第二天即将开始的长远的分离做好准备。

4.The viewer seems to be introduced to a corner of a tranquil world and can feel the transient beauty of Shan Shui.观众似乎已经进入这个静谧世界的某个局部,可以触摸和感受那似有若无的山水之间。

5.But now, in her new pfe, temporal and spaceless , she was more tranquil.但现在,在她短暂又无限的新生活里,她更安静了。

6.It is hard to think that this remote and tranquil spot could have caused such a continent-sized ruckus.很难想象这个偏远和宁静的地方可以引起影响全大陆的一场骚动。

7.Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms.平静、安宁的蓝色会使人的身体产生一种起镇静作用的化学物质,所以蓝色经常被用在卧室里。

8.With a fine location in the city, this hotel is an homepke and tranquil courtyard.饭店位于城区较好的地段,是个舒适、宁静的庭院。

9.You can't think, see, and seize it, as if your body were vacated, nothing in it. All is so tranquil seems to be fast asleep.想不能想,看不能见,捉不及物,身体好像不再有感觉,形同虚设,一切都是那么平静,似乎要睡着了。

10.We found a tranquil spot on the bank of a river to have a rest.我们在河岸上找到一块宁静的地方休息了一下。