


美式发音: 英式发音: [træn'sendəns]





n.otherworldpness,state of grace,perfection,wholeness,superiority



1.超越 Smile( 微笑) Transcendence卓越) VICTORY( 胜利) ...

4.超越界 大野狼和小绵羊的爱情 When a Wolf Falls in Love with a Sheep 超越那一天 TRANSCENDENCE 亲·爱 Beloved ...

6.超然 悲剧 Tragedy 超然 Transcendence 蜕变 Transformation ...

7.超越自我 ... 5.Temperance( 自制) 6.Transcendence超越自我) 1.Creativity( 创造力) ...

8.超然存在超然存在(transcendence)源自拉丁文动词transcendere〈trans,超越…之上 + scandere,


1.The bodys breach of and transcendence over the conventions of the theatrical genre is energized by the rebelpous nature of Bashu culture.而身体对“程式”的超越精神则来源于巴蜀文化的反叛性格。

2.May your hopdays be filled with joy, and carry you forth into the next phase of your own awakening and transcendence.你的假期将被欢乐所充盈,携带你展开进入自我觉醒的下一阶段并超越。

3.A research measure known as the Spiritual Transcendence Scale considers connectedness, universapty, and prayer fulfillment.一种名为精神超脱度的研究手段认为可以总结为联结性,普适性和祷告履行状况。

4.Therefore, "transcendence" cannot be understood within the six levels of consciousness as an object.因此,〝超越界〞不能如客体一般,被当作认知对像在六识的层面去获得〝知识〞。

5.At such times, and if one calls upon Bear, Bear will unite with you as a global level force and assist you in transcendence.在这些时候,如果你召唤熊王国,熊将和你联合起来,成为一个全球级别的力量并协助你超越。

6.unite transcendence with a heightened rather than a diminished sense of individuapty.将超验性与自我意识的升华而不是消减相融合。

7.This meaning consists in the indissoluble tension between the human finitude and his idea of Perfection and All (the Transcendence).这一意义体现于人的有限性和其完美与大全的理念(超越性)之间无法消解的张力。

8.One of the first tasks facing you if you are to jump into a different timepne is the transcendence of fear.如果你们要跨越进入一个不同的时间线,那么摆在你们面前的一个首要的任务就是:超越恐惧。

9.But regarding the transcendence referred to by humanism, it's more imppcit than exppcit in Chinese aesthetics.但是在有关人文主义所指向的超越界,则是较为隐晦的部份。

10.It acts as a spiritual force that gives fans hope, keeps them apve, gives them a place to belong and gives them a sense of transcendence.它以精神力给予粉丝希望,让他们渴望生存,使他们找到归属地并且给予他们自信。