


美式发音: [trænˈskrɪpʃən] 英式发音: [trænˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n]



复数:transcriptions  同义词




1.[u]抄写;誊写;打印the act or process of representing sth in a written or printed form

errors made in transcription抄写错误

phonetic transcription标音

2.[c]书面标注的事物something that is represented in writing

This dictionary gives phonetic transcriptions of all headwords.本词典所有词目都注出了音标。

3.[c](乐曲的)改编a change in the written form of a piece of music so that it can be played on a different instrument or sung by a different voice


n.1.the process of writing something down, especially a conversation or speecstrong.a conversation, speech, or interview in written form

1.转录 tissue culture 组织培养 transcription 转录作用 transformation 转化作用 ...

3.抄写 transcript 抄本 transcription 抄写 video script 电影、录像带等的文字资料 ...

4.抄本 transcriber 转录器,读数器 transcription 抄本,副本 transcutaneous 经皮肤的 942 . ...

5.基因转录 Principal edition 正本 Transcription 副本 copy 拷贝 ...

7.转写 transaction 异动[处理单位] transcription 转写[抄写;速记翻译] transducer 转换器 ...

8.誊写 387,transpteration 音译;直译 388,transcription 抄写;抄本;誊写 389,carpool 合伙使用汽车 ...


1.It still, however, seems to work as a transcription factor. The result is fish that are more or less immune to PCB poisoning.这仍然跟转录因子的作用有关,结果表明,是这些鱼或多或少具备了PCB免疫力。

2.The shortened version of AHR does not bind nearly so easily to PCBs. It still, however, seems to work as a transcription factor.这个缩减版本的AHR难以和PCB结合,不过看来依然能发挥转录因子的作用。

3.The letter is the transcription of that examination of conscience. It stresses what you did, not what you thought.这封信描述了良心的省察,强调你的行为,未必是你的思想。

4.The image of each page comes with a window describing the locations of Darwin's notes and a transcription of his somewhat illegible scrawl.每一页图像都会带有一个指出达尔文标注处的窗口,还有一份对于他潦草难辨的笔迹的清晰抄本。

5.But how the transcription machinery decides which parts of a gene to read at any particular time is still largely a mystery.然而,关于转录器是如何在特定时间内读取并决定基因依然是一个谜。

6.How transcription factors regulate gene transcription on chromatin is the central question of the study of gene expression regulation.真核细胞核中转录因子与染色质模板如何相互作用调节基因转录是基因表达调控研究的一个中心问题。

7.All the transcripts that you find on both sites have been provided by the Transcription Team for the last several years.所有你看所能到的两个网站上的记录文本,均由抄写团队在几年内完成提供。

8.Transcription might also act as a DNA-damage dosimeter where the severity of blockage determines whether or not to induce cell death.转录还可以作为DNA损伤剂量在堵塞的严重程度确定是否诱导细胞死亡。因此,可以转录是一个潜在的治疗靶点的抗癌战略?

9.Beneath the surface reapsm of the novel, its apparently artless transcription of pfe's flow, lurks a comppcated plan.事情的背后是真实的,在表面天真浪漫的日常生活之下,潜伏著复杂缜密的计划。

10.The meeting was started with a session on Transcription to Secretion with a notable set of presentations on the emerging issues.会议从开始在抄写给分泌与一值得注意套演出关于新兴期一起上的一会议。