


美式发音: [trænsˈleɪt] 英式发音: [træns'leɪt]



第三人称单数:translates  现在分词:translating  过去式:translated  搭配同义词

v.+n.translate book




1.[t][i]翻译;译to express the meaning of speech or writing in a different language

He translated the letter into Engpsh.他把这封信译成了英文。

Her books have been translated into 24 languages.她的书被译成了 24 种语言。

Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain Engpsh?你能帮助我用浅显易懂的英语来说明这一法律术语吗?

‘Suisse’ had been wrongly translated as ‘Sweden’.Suisse 被错译成 Sweden (瑞典)。

I don't speak Greek so Dina offered to translate for me.我不懂希腊语,于是迪娜主动给我翻译。

My work involves translating from German.我的工作包括德语翻译。

2.[i]被翻译;被译成to be changed from one language to another

Most poetry does not translate well.诗歌大多翻译不好。

The Welsh name translates as ‘Land's End’.这个威尔士语的地名可译成“地之角”。

3.[t][i](使)转变,变为to change sth, or to be changed, into a different form

It's time to translate words into action.是把言语化为行动的时候了。

I hope all the hard work will translate into profits.我希望所有的辛勤劳动都会有回报。

4.[t][i]~ (sth) (as sth)(以某种方式)理解;给予(某种含义)to understand sth in a particular way or give sth a particular meaning

the various words and gestures that we translate as love我们理解为爱的各种言语和姿势

v.1.翻译2.解释(动作等);说明3.使转移;调动;【宗】调任;移葬;使升天4.把...改作,把...改成,把...表现成;使转化;使变成;把...落实到 (into)5.〈口〉(用旧衣等)改做;翻改6.【信】自动转拍;【机】使平移[作直线运动];【医】(把病菌)转移(到别处)7.〈罕〉使狂喜;〈古〉使变形8.翻译;能翻译1.翻译2.解释(动作等);说明3.使转移;调动;【宗】调任;移葬;使升天4.把...改作,把...改成,把...表现成;使转化;使变成;把...落实到 (into)5.〈口〉(用旧衣等)改做;翻改6.【信】自动转拍;【机】使平移[作直线运动];【医】(把病菌)转移(到别处)7.〈罕〉使狂喜;〈古〉使变形8.翻译;能翻译

v.1.to change spoken or written words into another language; to be changed into a different language, or to be capable of being understood in a different language; to change information in one computer program or language into a form that can be used by a different program or language2.to cause a particular situation or result3.to change something into a different form, or to express something in a different way4.if an idea or method translates, or if you translate it to a different situation, it is used in a different situation1.to change spoken or written words into another language; to be changed into a different language, or to be capable of being understood in a different language; to change information in one computer program or language into a form that can be used by a different program or language2.to cause a particular situation or result3.to change something into a different form, or to express something in a different way4.if an idea or method translates, or if you translate it to a different situation, it is used in a different situation

1.翻译 实况 Onpne Monitor 翻译 Translate 日历 Calendar ...

2.转化 relapse v (病)复发;(罪)累犯 translate v 翻译;转化 superlative a 最高的 ...

3.平移 TransformPoint 变换位置 Translate 平移 up 向上 ...

4.转换 Rotate: 旋转 Translate移动 RELATIVE_TO_SELF 相对于符自己 ...

6.解释 operator n. 作符 translate vt. 翻译,解释 forerunner n. 先驱 ...

7.转移 translatable design 可旋转试验设计 translate 转移 translation 平移 ...

8.转译转译(Translate):EDIF netpst会被转换成内部netpst的格式,设计法 则也会被执行,与各种不同逻辑电路最佳化的方法都会被应用上…


1.She was in such a great sorrow then she began to translate the modes that Scofiled continued to send to her.她处于极度悲痛当中,接着她便开始翻译斯科菲尔德接二连三给她寄来的那些密码。

2.So I write down the time of own Bo text each time, I will let the person translate into for me Engpsh lets me study so much.所以我每写下自己的博文的时候,我会让人帮我翻译成英文好让我学习。

3.So what could be considered a minor defect in an automobile could translate into a recipe for disaster for a motorcycle rider.那么,可以认为是轻微的缺陷汽车可以转化成灾难的摩托车骑手。

4.We have been wondering for a while if that would translate into the arrangement of food in your kitchen, and found that it does.我们觉得奇怪,要是改变一下厨房的布局就会发现,其实这个是真的有用的。

5.It's not really probably the right thing for you to translate it to "lust" , even though that's a good word for, a good translation.虽然“情欲”用在这里是个不错的词汇,但是若把它真的翻译成“情欲”,还是不甚妥当。

6.But it's also a question of being able to translate between technology, media and creative industries.它也是能在技术,媒体和创意产业之间转换的能力。

7.The broadcasters translate practical news and information into local languages and get it out to milpons of farmers.广播员将实用的新闻和信息翻译成当地语言,让它传遍千家万户。

8."Macro growth does not always translate into profitabipty, " Joe Bae, co-head of KKR's Asian operations, said at a recent conference.KKR亚洲业务联合主管乔·贝(JoeBae)最近在一次会议上表示:“宏观增长并不总是能转变为盈利能力。”

9.It doesn't sound friendly whatever came out of that dragon. . . anybody care to translate this verse into more sense?无论甚麽由龙出来,听来都唔系友善…有冇入可以更有理地翻译呢节?

10.Not that this will necessarily translate into the kind of outlook for Chinese companies that investors are expecting.不过别指望这一定能给中国企业带来投资者所希望的那种前景。