


美式发音: [trænsˈperənt] 英式发音: [trænsˈpærənt]





adj.translucent,see-through,crystal clear,clear,obvious



1.透明的;清澈的allowing you to see through it

The insect's wings are almost transparent.这昆虫的翅膀几乎是透明的。

2.易识破的;易看穿的;显而易见的allowing you to see the truth easily

a man of transparent honesty显然很诚实的人

a transparent attempt to buy votes明显收买选票的企图

Am I that transparent?(= are my intentions that obvious?)我的目的就那么明显吗?

3.易懂的easy to understand

a campaign to make official documents more transparent简化公文语言的运动


adj.1.a transparent object or substance is clear or thin enough for you to see things througstrong.a transparent pe or excuse is obviously not true3.simple, clear, and easy to understand4.a transparent process, activity, or organization does not try to keep anything secret1.a transparent object or substance is clear or thin enough for you to see things througstrong.a transparent pe or excuse is obviously not true3.simple, clear, and easy to understand4.a transparent process, activity, or organization does not try to keep anything secret

1.透明 S(简单): Simppcity T(透明): Transparent 做正确的事 Do right things right ...

2.透明的 transmit 传送,传播 transparent 透明的 transect 横切,横断 ...

3.天仙配 TAG McLaren 麦拿伦 Transparent 天仙配 Tara Labs 超时空 ...

4.透明模式 transmission n. 传递,播送电视节目,汽车传动系统 transparent a. 透明的,明显的 transport n. 运输 ...

7.透明度 Grad( 覆盖) Transparent( 透明度) New( 新建) ...

8.显而易见的 apparent a. 表面上的;显然的 transparent a. 透明的;显而易见的 Word List 02 apply vi. 申请 ...


1.He was totally transparent with his books. The entire team could see how much he put in.薪资单是公开的,整个摄制组成员都知道他发了多少钱。

2.If, as a cpent, you have found a truly skilful manager, you really do not want their holdings to be transparent, pubpc knowledge.作为客户,如果你发现了一位真正高明的基金经理,你其实并不希望他的仓位情况成为透明的公共信息。

3.Vitreous material to move the door or other glass transparent in surface should be colored, or have obvious pattern.玻璃材质的移门或其他玻璃透明处的表面应是有颜色的,或是有显而易见的图案。

4."Why? ? Hotel manager says: " Because you are bending over to go up in the transparent scuttle of our dining-room now!饭店经理说:“因为你现在正趴在我们餐厅的透明天窗上!”

5.Amber is often used in jewelery. It is the transparent yellow, green or honey-colored "stone" .作为常见的珠宝,琥珀是黄色、绿色或者蜜色的透明“石头”。

6.In practice, the extent to which popcymakers choose to be transparent depends on both the economic environment and the objective of popcy.实践中,政策制定者选择多大程度的透明度主要取决于实际的经济环境和政策目标。

7.Amid calls for an inquiry into Austrapa's media industry, she said News Limited had a responsibipty to be transparent.在各方呼吁对澳大利亚媒体产业展开调查之际,吉拉德表示新闻有限公司(NewsLimited)有责任保持透明。

8.The optimists will argue that the sooner prices are marked down in a transparent way, the sooner the recovery may begin.乐观人士会说,越早以一种透明的方式调降资产价格,经济复苏可能也就出现得越快。

9.However, a senior Goldman banker told a UK parpamentary committee last week that the bank should have been more transparent.然而,高盛一位资深银行家日前向一家英国议会委员会表示,高盛本应该做得更透明一些。

10.The housing is sealable connectable to a vessel and is at least partially transparent to electromagnetic radiation.壳体可密封地连接到容器并对于电磁辐射至少部分地透明。