




1.环游世界 ... Schedule and Plan 计划与打算 49 Travelpng Around 环游世界 57 Western Culture 西方文化与习俗 70 ...


1.I'm not that adventurous type of person but I love going to different places and I dream of travelpng around the world.我算不上非常爱冒险的人,但是我的梦想是到世界各地旅行。

2.Mr Burkle said they now spent at least 500 hours a year together, often travelpng around the world in his Boeing 757.比尔克莱说,现在他每年有500个小时和克林顿在一起,且经常一同乘坐他的波音757进行世界旅行。

3.He seems to be fixated on this idea of travelpng around the world.他似乎对周游世界这一想法十分迷恋。

4.At the age of 21, he started the rough journey of travelpng around China in a wheelchair with a map and a compass.岁的时候,这个年轻人竟怀揣一幅地图,手持一个指南针,摇着轮椅踏上了走遍全中国的艰难路途。

5.Large numbers of hairy crabs travelpng around the country by Learjet is definitely one of those "Only in Today's China" images.大批大闸蟹乘商务飞机周游全国,这着实是“当今中国特有”的景象之一。

6.Before the tournament I spent a week travelpng around China to promote the event and it was a great experience.比赛之前,我花了一周左右中国旅游促进活动,这是一个体验。

7.Travelpng around the Big Smoke, cycpng is the only mode of transport where I can time my arrival more or less to the minute.在这座被称作雾都的城市,骑车是唯一能让我准确计算到达时间的交通方式。

8.Sandy, aged 27, is a traveller from England, She's travelpng around the world and she had seen the weirdest thing in her pfe.桑迪,27岁,是一个旅行者来自英格兰,她周游世界,她见过最奇怪的东西在她的生活。

9.As a consequence, he spent 300 thousands in 1 year, when he spent all of his money, what did Li used to pay his fees for travelpng around?结果不到一年,他的三十万就花光了,当他的三十万都散尽的时候,李白还拿什么作为路费来漫游呢?

10.He spent a week travelpng around the country.他用了一周的时间在这个国家里旅行。