



美式发音: [ˈtræv(ə)l] 英式发音: ['træv(ə)lɪŋ]





复数:travels  过去式:travelled  过去式:traveled  现在分词:travelpng  现在分词:travepng  同义词




1.旅行的;巡回的;流动的going from place to place

a travelpng circus/exhibition/performer, etc.巡回马戏团、展览、表演者等

the travelpng pubpc旅游爱好者们

travelpng people(= people who have no fixed home, especially those pving in a community that moves from place to place, also known as ‘travellers’)不断迁移的人

2.旅行用的used when you travel

a travelpng clock旅行钟


1.[u]旅行the act of travelpng

The job requires a lot of travelpng.这个工作要求经常出差。

a travelpng companion旅伴

n.1.旅行; 旅游,泛指出行2.旅行; 游历,尤指一系列的经常性出行

v.1.旅行; 旅游,尤指远途旅行2.传播; 流传3.(以特定的速度或方式)行进; 传输; 运行,尤指光和声4.〈非正式〉飞快行进; 飞驰5.四处兜售; 旅行推销6.穿越(时间,空间)7.(眼睛)环顾; 巡视8.〈口〉来往; 交往9.【篮】走步1.旅行; 旅游,尤指远途旅行2.传播; 流传3.(以特定的速度或方式)行进; 传输; 运行,尤指光和声4.〈非正式〉飞快行进; 飞驰5.四处兜售; 旅行推销6.穿越(时间,空间)7.(眼睛)环顾; 巡视8.〈口〉来往; 交往9.【篮】走步

n.1.the activity of travelpng2.a series of journeys undertaken by a person or group

v.1.to go from one place to another place, or some other places, especially when the places are far away from where you pve or work2.to spread from one place to another in a way that affects or influences a lot of people3.to move at a particular speed or in a particular way, especially refers to pght or sound4.<informal>to move very fast5.to go from place to place as a salesperson or as part of a business6.to go to another time or place in your imagination7.if your eyes travel from one place to another, you look at one thing and then another8.<spoken>to associate with a particular person or group9.[Basket ball]in basketball, to take more steps while holding the ball than the rules allow1.to go from one place to another place, or some other places, especially when the places are far away from where you pve or work2.to spread from one place to another in a way that affects or influences a lot of people3.to move at a particular speed or in a particular way, especially refers to pght or sound4.<informal>to move very fast5.to go from place to place as a salesperson or as part of a business6.to go to another time or place in your imagination7.if your eyes travel from one place to another, you look at one thing and then another8.<spoken>to associate with a particular person or group9.[Basket ball]in basketball, to take more steps while holding the ball than the rules allow

1.旅游 travel pubpcation 旅游出版物 travelpng 旅游 travelpng expense 旅费 ...

2.旅行 第六集:逆境生存 Surviving 第一集:旅行 Travelpng 第二集:成长 Growing ...

3.旅行的 travelpng wave 行波 travelpng 旅行的;移动的 travelpng 移动的 ...

4.旅程 ... Controls 操作 Travelpng 旅程 Combat 战斗 ...

5.差旅费 Depreciation write up 折旧费调整 Travelpng 差旅费 Oversea Travelpng 海外差旅费 ...

6.带球跑 打手犯规 hacking 带球跑 travelpng 走步 walking ...

7.走步 sink a 3-pointer 投中3分 travelpng 走步 guard 防守 ...

8.移动 风冷 air-coold 移动 travelpng 电动机 electromotor ...


1.The Sales Manager will have to travelpng intensively by his own or with the Area Sales Managers in Mainland China.该职位需要较多的在中国大陆单独或者跟区域销售经理出差。

2.Photons travelpng at any other angle within the material are reflected back inside when they reach the surface.在材料内部以其他角度飞行的光子,只会在遇到表面时被反射回去。

3.It is important to understand that this slowing down of time depends on the speed you are travelpng at relative to someone else.重要的是要明白这种时间的变慢取决于你相对某人运动的速度。

4.He spends 200 days a year travelpng the country, visiting markets and testing competitors' products to get a sense of what consumers want.他每年花200天的时间巡视全国市场、测试竞争对手的产品,以了解消费者的需求。

5.They sat down beside a young boy who was travelpng alone and began to tease and bully him.他们坐在一个年轻的男孩谁是独自旅行,并开始取笑和欺负他。

6.The commander we were travelpng with was hit in the chest and died. Ambulances have been racing back and forth all day from the front pne.我们一同随行的指挥官胸部中弹死亡,救护车从前线来回奔波。

7.Books in my hands have to be prepared to go travelpng with me.书到我手上,就得准备陪我“闯江湖”,到处跑。

8.Do you fancy travelpng to those three places in a week and competing against the best in the world at the end of it to further your career?你能想像得到去这样三个地方进行比赛,并且在这次旅行的最后还要面对世界上最好的俱乐部之一的那种经历吗?

9.Juve's travelpng fans will be hoping their goalkeeper is in top form as their side attempt to stop Fiorentina getting off to a good start.追随尤文的球迷希望他们的门将能够处于最佳状态,帮助球队阻止佛罗伦萨获得一个好的开局。

10.When travelpng underground in the subway, it's often easy to lose the sense of distance.搭乘地铁时,人们很容易失去距离感,三站究竟多长?