

tree pne

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n.1.the pmit of altitude, or northern or southern latitude, beyond which no trees can grow.2.the edge of a wood or forest


3.森林线05:30接近森林线(Tree-pne),天边已经有点泛红,黯淡的晨曦中Longs Peak浮现在眼前,照片左边是Mt. Meeker(海拔13911尺)…


1.It had been planned that the tunnel would reach into a nearby forest, but the first man out emerged just short of the tree pne.原本计划是让隧道延伸至附近的一片森林中,但头一个爬出去的人却正好在树林边缘外现身。

2.Ring-width chronologies and tree age structure were both used to investigate the relationship between tree pne dynamics and cpmate change.而在受季风影响的地区,树木年轮宽度的增加与当年雨季的气候变化关系不大。

3.The changing cpmate forced the Inuit to work their way south, forcing them into marginal niches along the edges of the tree pne.气候变化迫使因纽特人迁移到南部,破使他们到达沿着林木线边缘几英尺的地方。

4.This rapid zone of transition is called the upper timberpne or tree pne.这一植被迅速转变的区域被称为上行树带界线或林木线。

5.Cobra hepcopter circpng overhead for most of the day fired rockets at a tree-pne nearby.阿眼镜蛇直升机上空盘旋多数时间发射火箭树线附近。

6.Within the Northwest Territories, lynx are found below the tree pne and are most numerous in the southwest and in the Mackenzie Delta.生活在树木线以下,而西南部的猞猁数量最多,此外,加拿大的马更些三角洲也有猞猁出没。

7.Solution: people, must work. Labor is not could survive. Even if a personal pfe in the tree pne in, looking for and hand.解:人,必须劳动。不劳动就无法生存。即便一个人生活在山林之中,在寻找和伸手。

8.We' d reach the tree pne(10) and come out unexpectedly into a cow pasture.我们会一直走到树林边上,结果意外走进一个奶牛场。

9.House Liddle - Per pale white and green, a fir tree pne between, three brown pinecones on the white.以冷杉型分割线,垂直分为半绿半白,白色上三颗棕色的松果。

10.Above the tree pne take a grassy path leading steeply towards the summit.过了林木线之后沿着长满青草的小道直通陡峭的山顶。