


网络释义:total rare earth oxide; 奔迈; 稀土氧化物


1.total rare earth oxide …


6.换算质量本发明的铈系研磨材料含有氟,全稀土类氧化物换算质量(TREO)与研磨材料质量的质量比在90wt%以上,Th和U的合计含量与 …


1.This would be effective if you could adequately activate everything on the Treo screen by the touch of a finger.当你需要运行屏幕上的内容时,只需要用手指触碰就可以了。

2.No problem at all, because consumers aren't comparing the iPhone to a Razr or a Treo; it's in an entirely different league.其实价钱并不是关键,因为消费者不会拿iPhone和Razr与Treo相比,他们不是一个世界的产品。

3.Kyocera and Treo devices do not need to be on for the Listener to work.Kyocera和Treo设备无需打开,监听器即可工作。

4.One simple way to move contacts and appointments from Treo to iPhone is to use Outlook as an intermediary.将联络人和约会从Treo传输到iPhone上的一个简单途径就是使用Outlook作为媒介。

5.Among smartphone users, owners of Palm's Treo devices are almost as devoted as BlackBerry enthusiasts.在智能手机用户中,Palm公司Treo系列设备拥有者的忠诚度,几乎不亚于黑莓(BlackBerry)狂热分子。

6.It's certainly thicker feepng, but they rocked it Treo-style and really tapered those edges, so it just doesn't feel that different.感觉确实比较厚,不过有点Treo的样式以及削边的作法,使得iPhone3G和第一代感受其实挺相近的。

7.Having created a new category with the BlackBerry, it now faces a host of rivals, including Palm's Treo, the Motorola Q and the Nokia E61.已经建立了掌上设备一个新的种类的BlackBerry,将面对包括Palm的Treo,MotorolaQ和NokiaE61这样一票商业对手。

8.This fall, Palm, Inc. released two consumer-oriented smartphones: the Centro and the Treo 500v.今年秋天,Palm公司推出两款以消费者为导向的智能手机:Centro及Treo500V。

9.Q: Is it possible to sync a Treo or BlackBerry using MobileMe?问:使用MobileMe同步Treo或黑莓手机可以么?