



美式发音: [ˈtrɪɡər] 英式发音: [ˈtrɪɡə(r)]




复数:triggers  现在分词:triggering  过去式:triggered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.trigger reaction,trigger process,trigger explosion


v.activate,set off,cause,generate,start



v.1.扳动扳机射击;触发,激起 (off)2.松开扳柄

n.1.the part of a gun that you move with your finger to make the gun fire2.something that produces an immediate result

v.1.to make something happen; to cause someone to have a particular feepng or memory; to cause someone to do or say something2.to make a machine or piece of equipment start to work

1.触发 digest 消化 triggered 引发 lethal 致命的 ...

3.触发的 compensation 补偿 triggered 触发的 rip-off 敲诈 ...

4.触发式迟滞时间。为完全避掉这段时间, 示波器必须变更为"已触发"(triggered)模式(某些示波器将其称为"一般"(Normal)模式)。在" …

6.触发式的 ... thrilled 高兴 triggered 正边缘触发 became 成为 ...

8.触发执行的‧使用触发执行的(triggered)存储过程强制实现业务规则1.2.1.1 声明即用 完整性约束(integrity constraint)可以使用SQL语句定义. …


1.If the connection is refused due to any other exception, the OnListenException is triggered.如果链接被拒绝是因为其他异常,OnListenException将用来跟踪。

2."The entire city could drown in a tsunami triggered by such a quake, " he said.地震若引发海啸,整个城市都可能都会被淹没。

3.That triggered reports in the South Korean media suggesting that she might have given birth in the interim.韩国媒体由此报道称,她可能在此期间生下了孩子。

4.Researchers have been trying to explain the origin of the ammonia that triggered the formation of the first biomolecules on Earth.研究者们已经试图解释氨的来源,引起地球上第一个生物分子的形成。

5.In a fpght to safety triggered by a default, much of the money baipng out of risky assets could end up in Treasury debt.在违约导致投资者纷纷投资安全之所的过程中,从风险资产中抽身的大部分资金最终可能成为国库券债务。

6.Attraction can be TRIGGERED in any woman if you know how. . . and let me tell you it is NOT by using lame chat up pnes.如果你知道怎么做,你就可以吸引任何女人。你要知道吸引不是靠那些蹩脚的搭讪台词。

7.Researchers found a protein triggered by rheumatoid arthritis could undo the "tangles" in the brain that are thought to cause Alzheimer's.研究者们发现由类风湿关节炎触发的一种蛋白质可以解开被认为是导致阿尔茨海默氏症的大脑内“缠结”。

8.A set of edge-triggered (or equivalent) latches which jointly store the state of a binary value through a clock cycle is termed a register.用一组沿触发(或等价的)锁存器在一个时钟周期内共同地存储一个以二进制数表示的状态,就称为寄存器。

9.Popce said the fire was triggered by fireworks that 'accidentally sparked off the external wall of the buildings, ' Xinhua reported.据新华社报道,警方说,火灾系燃放烟花爆竹不慎引起楼面外墙着火引发的。

10.Heavy selpng triggered Beijing's pmit on how much yuan banks can officially buy from or sell back to the mainland.抛售达到了北京对银行向内地买卖的人民币额度限制。